☆, money is hard to buy, I am happy

16 1 0

  On Monday, the results of the joint rectification operation of Chinese, digital and English came out.

  Unsurprisingly, Lu Yufang was class one, math class representative Li Heng was second, and Xin Xin was third. Jiang Cheng passed the exam for Class 15, and he also looked satisfied.

  Xi Mo did not participate in the ranking, but Lu Yufang helped him look at the results and said that he was probably in the top 30 in the class.

  Xi Mo's heart was heavy. Although he hadn't studied hard for more than half a year, he still took this exam very seriously. What should I do in the future when my math performance can only be considered as extraordinary, and my total score can only be in this position?

  "What are you thinking about?" Lu Yufang turned to look at him with a gloomy expression on his face, "Worried?"

  "Yeah." Xi Mo nodded honestly and frowned, "The key class is too scary."

Lu Yufang stretched out his hand to rub his hair, and said with a smile, "With me, what are you afraid of?"

  Xi Mo avoided his hand, "I can't rely on you."

  "Why not?"

  "Squad leader Lu, study is your own business, haven't you heard this sentence?"

  "My own business is your business, but your business is my business."

  "You just..."

  Xin Xin and Li Xu were studying the topic, and felt that the conversation between the two became more and more unpleasant.

  "Lu Yufang, you have molested our seniors before!" Xin Xin turned to look at the two of them, "It's really annoying to look dead with evil intentions."

  "What's 'your senior', he has a name, okay?" Lu Yufang turned his face away, smiling like a rascal, "So what if you have something wrong with you, do you two envy or hate?"

  Xin Xin looked at the face that was so handsome even when playing a rascal, and grinned with hatred, she raised her finger to his nose and cursed: "I'm just waiting for someone to tear your hypocritical face to pieces. ."

  Lu Yufang raised his eyebrows and stopped refuting.

  "Wait, your school grass Lu will soon change a lot." Jiang Cheng expressed his opinion coolly on the side, which made Li Xu curious: "How to say? I smell gossip."

  "You can't say it, you can't say it." Jiang Cheng pretended to be deep, Xin Xin rubbed a ball of paper and threw it over, "You two bastards."

  "Okay, stop making trouble, the preparatory bell is ringing." Lu Yufang glared at Jiang Cheng to prevent the topic from expanding.

  In the Chinese commentary class, Xi Mo was so engrossed that he never stopped writing. Lu Yufang secretly glanced at the glass window several times, but only saw the eyes on the back table blinking and paying attention to the class. Lu Yufang's basic language papers were basically correct. Teacher Ouyang spoke very carefully and slowly. He couldn't help but feel a little bored, so he secretly became dazed.

  Thoughts drifted back to yesterday.

  The moment the lights in the cinema were turned on, Xi Mo took his hand away. He just turned his head and glanced at himself in a hurry, but didn't say much. The lunch was also very relaxed and calm, and the two of them didn't mention anything about that action, but Lu Yufang felt that he seemed to relax a little bit, and he was no longer so tense about his series of courteous actions.

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