☆, ambiguous is sweet and sour sugar

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  Early Saturday morning, the rain poured down. The library appointment of the three fell through like this.

  Xi Mo lay prone on the desk, looking at the blurred world outside the window through the rain-wet glass. Books and notebooks were spread out on the table, with Lu Yufang's handwriting strewn across them.

  But he didn't want to think about anything.

  The mobile phone QQ rang, and he turned his head and glanced.

  Lu Yufang: "My grandma said that the weather forecast says the rain will stop at noon, why don't we go to the library in the afternoon?"

  Last night, after seeking Xi Mo's consent, Lu Yufang also told Jiang Cheng about the matter. Xi Mo didn't know how he relayed his story, but not long after, he was drawn into a chat group. The founder is Jiang Cheng. He said in his usual mischievous style that this was to prevent Lu Yufang and Xi Mo from forming a small group that only depended on their faces for food, so that he, a person who does not rely on faces, would always remind them to stay awake.

  The name of the chat group made Xi Mo very guilty, and it was called "Iron Triangle".

  He didn't dare to guess how long these two people could bear him, even though they had expressed their trust in him in different ways. However, the word trust is actually very fragile. Once there is a crack, there is no going back.

  Just like myself, Lin Hui and Xiao Heng back then.

  Jiang Cheng: "I'm fine. How about you, Xi Mo?"

  Xi Mo straightened up and grabbed his phone: "Yes."

  Jiang Cheng: "My aunt came back from the United States yesterday, and she brought a big ~~~~ pile of snacks. I'll bring some for you to try in the afternoon."

  Lu Yufang: "I said, can you stop eating and drinking every day? If you agree to study, I will make a tea party for you!"

  Jiang Cheng: "Aren't I afraid that we need to replenish our energy a bit if we overuse our brains?"

  Lu Yufang: "When did you make it seem like a 'slightly' supplement of energy? The table is full of food! The aunts in the library despise you!"

  Jiang Cheng: "All right, all right, I'll take a little this time, if you don't eat it, I'll give it to Xi Mo!"

  Lu Yufang: "He's not a garbage collector, why should he eat what I don't want!"

  Jiang Cheng: "Old Ban, you're in high spirits, aren't you?"

  Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Xi Mo hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, let's stop making trouble. What time is it in the afternoon?"

  Lu Yufang: "I can do it."

  Jiang Cheng: "Get there at 2:30. I'll take a nap at noon to be energetic in the afternoon."

  Lu Yufang: "OK."

  Xi Mo: "Okay."

  Immediately afterwards, Lu Yufang's dialog box popped up alone: ​​"Shall I pick you up? 2:15, your house is downstairs."

  The corners of Xi Mo's mouth rose slightly, and he replied "Yes."

  Lu Yufang: "You remember to eat at noon, just put the dumplings in the microwave for a while."

  Xi Mo: "I'm not a child anymore."

  Lu Yufang: "I'm the aunt of the neighborhood committee, okay?"

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