Chapter 18: Affection and Reflection.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah...makes sense that paparazzi and bloodthirsty reporters would be all over you," Toko sighed, "you probably get approached and recognized by so many people now, huh?"

"Not as many as I thought. They may be vultures, but I think they're smarter than to brazenly approach an agent of the law, lest they risk getting arrested for harassment. Given that I need to keep my Phantom Thief alter ego a secret, it makes things easier for me," Shuichi smiled, "but honestly, I was never uncomfortable with our quiet life. We never really cared about money so long as we have each other, and we still do. So I'm content either way. It's Kyoko-sama I'm really worried about."

"Have any of you guys heard from her?" Komaru looked towards her teammates.

"The last person to see her was myself when I delivered that photo to her," Monomi explained, "apparently, she made a public statement and revealed she's on the path to becoming the next chief detective of the Kirigiri Detective Agency, and plans to fix her grandfather's misdeeds by seeking out and compensating the victims, as well as installing new philosophy and rules amongst their ranks."

She scratched her nose with her paw.

"I have to admit, I'm worried for her," she admitted, "she's an Ultimate, and definitely among the more mature people of her age group, but she's still just a child. I really worry for her future."

"Do you really think it was the right thing to do? Giving her the treasure, I mean?" Toko asked. Makoto nodded his head.

"Not like we could sell it," he reminded her, "remember what our goal as Phantom Thieves was Toko? To give struggling people hope. We've done all we can for Kyoko and given her back what's rightfully hers. What she decides to do with her life from this point on is her choice, not ours."

"You're right..." Toko nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way...I guess I'm just embarrassed to admit it, but I'm worried about her too..."

"You went to meet with her and her father, right?" Komaru looked at Shuichi, "do you think they'll be able to reconcile, even after all these years?"

"It's not going to be easy, that's for sure...But they're both mature adults who can think for themselves," Shuichi affirmed, "I don't think they'll be embracing each other any time soon, but I'm confident they'll be able to see eye to eye eventually."

"Well, if that's what you think, then I guess I've only got one more question," Komaru held the bench and stood up with a smile, "what about you, Shuichi?"

"Huh? What about me?" he frowned, "I'm not sure what you're asking..."

"Well, we don't have any immediate plans, but after some downtime, we're gonna be looking for the next big catch," she explained, "do you wanna be with us when we find it?"

"She's asking if you want to continue being a Phantom Thief with us," Toko clarified, "honestly, with how much you've saved our asses up until now, we'd really appreciate it~"

"Well, if I may repeat Naegi-senpai's words from the diner..."I'm the one who should be asking YOU that,"" Shuichi smiled again, "I'm happy you believe I saved you, but as I said, you were the ones who saved me and gifted me back my ability to find the truth again. This is the least I owe you."

Makoto stood up and approached him, with Monomi bounding onto his shoulder. He stuck out a hand to shake.

"I know that you and Kyoko are grateful to us for what we've done, but I need to remind you of something important," he looked at the young man with a stern expression, "the Phantom Thieves operate outside the law, and as a detective, I know that's important to you. If you come with us, some people might see you as a criminal. Are you alright with that?"

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