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Vanessa's POV:

I have a massive head ache, I growled in sleep. My neck is also stiff. I opened my eyes to realized I was in very unfamiliar room.

Not the plane room I live in, it look me few seconds to realized I was in Seth's room. I sat up holding my neck. I slept on sofa, that explains the my neck pain.

I noticed Seth was sleeping on his bed. I sighed, what happened to me last night. I was not myself.

Like I was losing control over myself.... I felt so helpless that I rushed to person as heartless as him for support.

I sighed. I am glad at least he let me in. I have like a blur memory on knocking his door. What is wrong with me? this never happened to be before?

But I will confess, I was really disturbed by yesterday. Like everything just triggered what was swirling inside.

My subconscious whispered, 'it's fine everyone has some weakness'

Yea... right....

But I shouldn't, a orphan like me has no right to lean on anyone. I have no one. I should never forget that.

My eyes went to Seth again, ah!

He didn't kick me out yesterday, I think maybe he didn't knew how to react, honestly I don't remember anything after I knocked the door. But I guess I am alive and better.

I noticed my arm is little sore, yea... maybe I got injured in club or sleeping on this couch. But it kind of feels like I got a shot or something. Whatever, it's not like I am sick, why will I get a shot.

I noticed it's 5:40 in the morning, I should go back to my room before someone sees me and rumors start.

I slowly got down the couch, I am so tired. I will have a short nap once I am in my room.

I walked out closing the room, quietly.

Seth's POV:

I stood looking at the sofa empty, the comforter is still there. When she left. It's barely 8 in morning.

When did Vanessa sneaked out. But why it bothered me? It ends my problem here. She should be thankful I let her stay the night here.

I heard a knock on the door, I turned to see Vanessa entering. She is dressed in her uniform. She still looks a little pale, her eyes are still red.

She said "Good morning Mr. Morris... You already woke up.... I will ask the maids to prepare breakfast...."

I nod, she looks awkward, she was about to leave. She turned to me, I found her walking towards me.

She stood close to me as she said, "I am thankful.... Thank you..."

I just looked at her, I never thought she would say that. I said, "Fine.... get to work..."

I was about to leave this awkward conversation when she said, "No matter what we think of each other.... You helped me, Mr. Morris... Thank you..... And Sorry, for what I said that day, it's not my place to comment on your personal life... I am truly sorry..."

I just kept my eyes on her. I want to stop her words, yell at her not to speak on that matter in front of me. My weakness is mine, she shouldn't speak in between..... But I couldn't.....

I placed my hand on her cheek, she looks surprised. I said, "You are live.... yesterday you were cold as dead.... You have waste enough time... get back to work!"

I walk in shower.

Damn it!!!! I need to be in my right mind!

Vanessa's POV:

I know nothing changed, but is it wrong to be little grateful?

My opinion about him has not changed but I surely won't forget the kindness.... or should I say tolerance?

Yes... I am glad he tolerated my weakness at least this time. Anyways it's not like he was very kind before.

I was walking to the dining area, I saw Robert already standing there waiting. I noticed the maids gave him questioned look.

I looked at the other maid, he should be seated and have breakfast, right?

Is he waiting for Seth?

Makes sense!

I said to him, "Mr. Salvador, Mr. Morris will be down for breakfast soon.... have a seat..." I know...

I know I am trying to be nice, but purpose is to avoid him as much as I can.

Robert smirked in amusement, he said, "Sure.... You look like you haven't slept in months.... This thing is getting your head...." I touched my face subconsciously, do I look that bad?

I was confused, he got closer to me, I subconsciously took few steps back. Robert said, "Mr. Salvador?.... are we being too professional Miss. Floris?... I had to admit, you calling me this makes me love my surname more....."

I looked at the other maid in embarrassment, I signaled them to help, but they looked down instead.

Robert said smiling, "But, babe... I prefer you call me Robert... or Babe will also work..."

I was speechless.

I said talking a deep breath, "Look.... I am looking forward for today.... so please... don't ruin it already..."

He chuckled seeing my reaction or on my words. He whispered, "God! you are cute.... are sure you are 28?..." He looked down my body.

He whispered, "Surely you look like one fine women though...."

I just rolled my eyes, I said, "Can't you not..... Look the maids are terrified of you.... and you are doing it now too.... Let's get you to food and then you do your mafia thing...." I am trying to use new technique, that I am not bothered by this flirty bastard.

Robert chuckled, he whispered, "They are scared.... but what makes you so brave...."

Because I am an orphan..... I have no choice.

I felt some emotions crawling up. I heard Robert said, "Fine... serve me breakfast...." He took his seat.

I looked at the maids, they got to work. Robert said sighing, "You are still going to use that trick..."

I heard footsteps from behind, Seth soon said, "Robert.... You are coming to the action on Saturday..."

Seth took his place, the breakfast was about to reach him.

Robert said, "I am not sure..... they are boring anyways....."

Seth looks at him cold, he said, "You will miss a nice show..."Robert looked down smiling, he whispered, "You know me too well.... How can I not agree to your request, Master Seth Morris?"

Like he was teasing, what are they talking about?

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