21~ Alyssa- Man in the Shadows Comes Out

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"Listen you have a lot of explaining to do." I glared at him and placed my hands on my hips cocking my right hip.

"Ok I will answer your questions but first let's get out of here and go back to your house." His smile returned as he grabbed my hand and ran off down the hall. I almost tripped a few times because of my heels but I let out a thankful sigh as we approached the front door and slowed to a walk.

Hand in hand we walked out into the night as an icy breeze nipped at my bare skin. Warmth quickly engulfed me as a black dress coat was placed over my shoulders. We approached his black Koenigsegg and he opened the door for me. After hopping in he ran to the driver side getting in and starting the engine. We drove in silence back to my house as he held my hand.

When we pulled up to my house he jumped out and ran to my side before i got to grab the handle. He ripped the door open and held his hand out, "Ok clam down man it's a door."

"Well I wanted to get it." He pouted making me crack up laughing. He joined in and we walked up my path to the door. I dug through my purse for my keys, as my hands wrapped around the cold metal i pulled them out. We slowly walked into the house but I saw no one here. The TV was off and so were al the lights.

I was a little worried thinking what happened, why were the lights off and the house eerily quiet? I walked up the stairs and to Kyle's room, when I opened the door Kyle wasn't in the room.

"Kyle, Victoria?" I yelled walking out of the room and over to mine. When I walked into my room I saw the shadow of a man on my bed, slowly walking over the person turned around and jumped.

"Calm down Alyssa It's only me. But oh yeah Kyle is over at my house so we can be alone as I explain everything to you."

"Oh ok well I am going to change and then you can start." I nodded and walked off to my closet grabbing the first things there and walking into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door before unzipping my dress, it fell to the floor and I quickly pulled on the black sweatpants and black shirt Jayden left at my house three years ago.

I took my hair down and pulled in into a messy ponytail and washed off all my make-up. I picked my dress up off the floor and walked out seeing the man in my room looking around at stuff on my desk. I shook my head and went to hang my dress up in the closet. As I turned to walk out of my closet he was standing there in my way leaning up against the doorway.

"Hey you ready?"

"Um, yeah," I nodded and tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm and pulling me into his chest. "What now?"

"Well I was hoping for a quick kiss before?" I saw a light blush creep up his cheeks.

"Awe you're blushing," That made him blush even more and I laughed going up on my tip-toes. As I placed a soft kiss onto his soft lips he leaned in deepening it and running his tongue over my bottom lip. I pulled away and he gave me a pout. "Hey you said kiss not make out session."

He laughed as i pushed past him and walked into my room sitting on my bed. He followed me out and sat next to me, I felt the warmth from his body and the leg press against mine. "Ok but before I start you have to answer something for me, this question has been bugging me since I found out."

"Ok," I answered wearily. What would he want to ask and have it haunting him?

"Ok, well I heard awhile ago that you and Kyle are living alone, what happened to your dad?"

"OH," I stopped and glanced down. Tears pricked at the memory of my father, i sniffled a cry and felt weight on my shoulder and my body being pulled onto a warm body. I looked up and saw I was lying down on his lap and he was stroking my hair.

"Its ok you can tell me." He cooed.

"Ok, well you know how my mother died in child birth." I saw him nod and I continued, "Well you know my dad moved out and so she remarried and that's Kyle's dad. Well my father always used to visit or send child support money to us. About a year ago my father got in a car crash and ended up dying, Kyle's dad was always gone on business. Well after mom died Greg couldn't handle being with us so he left." The tears fell, fast. "Kyle and I have been alone and it has been pretty hard trying to keep the house and going to school, plus trying to not get caught. I won't let Kyle and I get separated and them we are apart."

The sobs shook my body," It will be ok, I will help you. I won't let anything happen to you or Kyle Alyssa, I promise." He stated determined. I looked up as he wiped away the few stray tears rolling down my face. I gave a weak smile as he stood up and walked to the top of the bed and laid us down. I snuggled up into his chest and took deep breaths as he stroked my head.

I calmed immediately and looked up; he gave a kiss to my forehead, his lips lingering sending tingles through my body. "Thanks Jay now start explaining please, I am so lost with everything. I want you to start first by explaining what Sam has to do with this and why he was texting me?"


NOTE: Yeah its Jayden, good job to those that guessed it!! Yes I know it is short but it is something and I am grounded. My parents went out and I snuck on so feel happy I posted when I'm not suppose to but it isnt like this is the first time i snuck out! I Let me know what you think of this chapter && the preview of my new story!!

Plus please please please check out my friends story, 'Love and War.' by Pixiesix!!

Goal: 45 comments && 40 Votes or I wont post ASAP!!!

Question of the Chapter: what do you think Jayden's excuse to the whole Sam thing?

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora