He seemed to be at a loss of words as he grabbed at his head seemingly unsure what to do in this situation. Had he not been a complete perv before, I might've found him kind of cute.

He let out a long sigh before suddenly kneeling on the ground with his head down. "Maiya, meru…" the act itself seemed somewhat…submissive and I remembered reading something about this in the notebook, that the natives would kneel when repenting for something they did.

Is he apologizing?

He hardly looked up at me as he stayed there, kneeling in front of me with his tail flicking lightly behind him. What should I do in this situation? 

On one hand, if he wanted to hurt me he would've done so already. I've been weakened and unable to move around much since he found me and I have nothing of value for him. On the other hand we can't even communicate and there's no telling what his real goal is, he could simply be using me for something later, trying to get me to let my guard down. 

What that something might be? I have no clue but I'm out here alone with nothing. I don't even know which way leads back to home, nothing in this area looks familiar, and I'm pretty damn sure I'd remember glowing plants and a sparkly pond…

I'm also not a fan of walking around so exposed, even if no one sees me out here. Holding the notebook against my chest I looked down at it then looked at the native before me as he waited for me to say or do something. 

I don't have much of a choice right now…i'll play along for now until im able to regain my strength some more and get back home. 

Sighing I straightened my back to look more assertive while looking down at the native before me. "fine i'll stick around for now, and give you one more chance, but no more touchy feely!" 

He perked up a bit in response, raising his head. "Heilu?" he asked while looking up at me. 

Fuck I don't know what that word means. I quickly flipped open the notebook, facing away from him while scouring the pages for anything useful. 

I didn't even notice the native getting back up and towering over me from behind to see what I was looking at as I skimmed through the little bit of alien vocabulary I had. 

Nai means no. Kei is sleep. Senyu means to hunt or seek. Aquila is water. Sa'te is eat? None of this is helpful!

The book in my hands was plucked from my grasp and my head snapped back to look at the native standing behind me as I was about ready to chew him out once more for taking my book. Again. But I stopped myself, seeing the look of recognition on his face as he looked over the page.

His eyes scanned over a few pages as he slipped through them and he stopped before showing me an image of one of his kind standing with one palm up and their head lowered slightly. Next to it was the word heilu with the definition:


"heilu" he spoke more confidently this time while handing me the book back. I looked over the page before mumbling the word back to myself and looked back up at him. 

"Heilu" he nodded with a small smile on his face and I realized, maybe this compromise might just work out…

We returned back to the pond where our stuff was and this time I sat a bit closer to the alien as he returned my bag with all the stuff in it. 

I was more than relieved to have my knife and canteen still but I also took notice of the large saber tooth inside with the rest of the items. Pulling it out of the bag I looked at the man beside me, questioningly as he covered himself back up with his clothes. 

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now