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Masons POV
As she comes down the stairs my mouth gapes open, she's so beautiful. What would've happened if ben and reece didn't press the doorbell last night? Would we have kissed?

"Happy birthday isa" I say "you look great" I add and she smiles. "Thanks mase, you ready to go?" She asks and I nod getting my car keys out of my pocket.

We walk over to the door and she gets her handbag and puts her shoes on. I open the door for her and we walk out to the car. I get in the drivers seat and we begin our drive to my parents house.

Jaz, Sam, summer and mila and Lewis, are going to be there aswell. Isa has met summer before when we were together but it will be her first time meeting mila.

"You excited to meet mila" I ask. "Of course I am mase she looks so cute on all the pics you showed me" she replies making me smile. She gets on with my family really well so I can't wait for them to see eachother again after all this time.

"I'm glad your excited" I say and place my hand on her thigh. "Maccies breakfast?" I ask. "Course!" She replies making me laugh.

We go though the macdonalds drive through and get back on the road so we will get to Portsmouth by the afternoon. Isa connects her phone to my car and plays her playlist making me realise how much I missed listening to her music. We start singing together like we used to and it felt like old times.

When we have arrived in Portsmouth, we go to the florists because isa insists on getting some flowers for my mum and some for jaz. "You didn't need to do that isa" I say. "Course I did" she says and shake my head chuckling.

We pull up outside my parents house and see Sam's car and lewis' in the drive aswell meaning everyone's there already. We get out the car and isa carries the flowers to the door. I knock and my mum opens it.

"Hey you two how are you both" she asks. "Good thanks mum" I say. "Isa happy birthday" she hugs isabella "its been such a long time since I last saw you" isabella hands her the flowers. "I missed you Debbie, thanks for having me" my mum smiles at her. "Oh darling you didn't have to."

We all walk into the lounge and see everyone. "Happy birthday isa" everyone says and she thanks them all. "Hey mase" everyone says. "Hey" I reply. "Happy birfday isa" I look down to see summer hugging isas legs.

"Omg , summer you've gotten so big since I last saw you" isa says bending down to summers height. Summer hugs her. "I missed you isa, why did you leave?" She asks making everything abit awkward. "Well you know how my mummy and daddy live in spain?" Isa asks summer and summer nods "Well I went to go see them for abit but then I didn't want to leave so I stayed for abit longer then I was supposed to" her and summer giggle.

"Please don't leave again isa" isa nods and sticks out her pinky. "I won't pinky swear" they pinky swear and summer comes over to me. "Uncle masey" she says. I lift her up and she giggles. "Hi princess" I reply. "Can you do something for me" I ask her  and she nods. "Can you show isa your little sister, they haven't met have they" summer gasps and shakes her head. I put her down and she takes isas hand.

She pulls isa over to jaz who is holding mila. "Isa this is mila my baby sister." Summer says pointing to mila. "Want to hold her" jaz says and isa nods. "Ok" jaz carefully places mila into isas arms. "Oh she's adorable" isa says smiling. She starts to cradle her which makes me smile.

I wish things would go back to how they used to so I could see this more often. My family love isa especially summer which absolutely melts my heart.

"So mason are you two bac-" my dad starts to ask but I interrupt him "no, no we are not" I say and shut the whole conversation down before it starts.

"Guys lunch is ready" my mum calls from the kitchen. Everyone walks In and isa gives mila back to jaz. She sits next to me and Sam facing summer.  Whilst we eat we talk about isas birthday and how her family was in spain.

During the conversation about her work I see isa gets abit nervous so I put my hand on her thigh and caress it with my thumb. I try to change the subject so that no-one reminds her of what happened with eli.

"So mum, dad are you coming to my next match" I say and they nod. "Of course we will who is it against" they ask. "Oh umm Norwich its in a couple weeks." Everyone nods and goes off talking about football.

"Thankyou" isa whispers in my ear. "No problem beautiful" I whisper back to her and she blushes a little and smiles. 

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