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The next morning I has to go yo work. I had to put all my personal problems behind me and focus on the people I'm paid to help.

I get changed into a casual outfit and head downstairs to make myself a coffee. Whilst making it I get a ping from my phone so hesitantly pick it up hoping its not from my dad. Oh it's from mase.

Mase x
Hey iss, hru after last night everything will be ok just like always I promise xx

I'm good thx mase hope I'll see u soon x

Mase x
See you soon iss. Come to my next game maybe?

Course send me the details bye mase x

Mase x
Bye isabella xx

I smile whilst pouring my coffee into a starbucks cup and picking up my work things. I start the car up and drive to work listening to my playlist.

When I arrive at 8:45 am, I set all of my stuff up in my office and my manager eli comes in and gives me my schedule and some strange glances. He looks me up and down smirking before leaving my office but I don't think about it and get ready for my first session.


After I finish up for the day, I pack my bag and knock on eli's office door.

"Come in" he shouts from inside and I open the door. "Oh it's you isa" he smirks and closes his laptop. "Hey eli" I smile.

"I see you have finally come to your senses then" he says and I get confused as he walks over to me. "What do you mean?" I ask and he keeps coming closer.

"You finally realise we are perfect for eachother isa" he says before smashing our lips together and holding me against the wall behind us.

I try my best to fight out of his grip and finally pull away. "No eli, what are you doing, I can't deal with this right now" I say frustrated. Since when did he like me and when did he get the right to kiss me and hold me against a wall.

"Oh come on iss-" he says before I cut him off. "You don't get to call me that, only mase gets to call me that"  I blurt out annoyed and walk out of his grip. "Fine isa" I give him a angry look "isabella" he sighs "you can't say you didn't enjoy that kiss, were meant to be isabella"

I shake my head and he takes hold of my arm. "Well I'm your boss so you'll do what I say or your fired right" he gives me a serious look and I sigh before nodding. A tear rolling down my cheek. I can't get fired from this job, it's the only thing that has taken my mind off of everything going on.

"Good girl, now you can put your paperwork on my desk and go home, oh and don't tell anyone about this" I nod before putting the paperwork on his desk and speedwalking out of his office.

I rush home and get under a blanket watching TV on my sofa. When I get a message from my dad saying my grandma is alright for now and just needs to rest.

I sigh from relief and message mase.

Guess what happened?

Mase x
Wait wanna ft me?

Ok x

I quickly facetime him and he answers sat on his couch with a hoodie on and messy hair. I always loved how he looked when his hair was messy.

We sit there for a couple seconds taking in eachother before mase starts conversation not breaking eye contact. "So what happened?" He asks enthusiastically.

"My dad said that my abuela is OK she just needs rest" I say with a huge grin on my face. "Omg that's great iss"mase replies and I shudder slightly remembering eli call me iss. "I know, thanks mase for helping me be positive, you were right once again"

"No problem iss, I'm just everyone's ok, how was work?" He responds and my smile drops.

Do I tell him? What if he gets angry? No I can't tell him! Wait but what if he can help? No cus then I will get sacked!

I'm not gonna tell him,he will just worry loads. I won't telk anyone just like eli said. I will do everything he says and hopefully it'll be over.

"Oh yeah it was alright, just the usual how about you?..."

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