Chapter 24

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"Alright, now for the results," he said opening the report. He looked over the report and then nodded his head and then closed it.

"I'm sorry to say this, but Avery has type 1 diabetes,"...

Avery's POV

I stared at my doctor in shock. Looking at my two brothers were also staring at the doctor in shock. If I wasn't so shocked, I probably would have laughed at them.

"W-w-wha-what do you mean?" I sputtered, my voice shaking.

The doctor just looked at me sympathetically. I didn't want his sympathy, I was an answer.

"Your body isn't producing insulin, and the organ that makes the insulin is called the Pancreas. And your pancreas isn't making insulin, and that is what is giving you such high sugar right now. If I were to take your sugar level right now, I wouldn't be surprised if it were to be in 400 level or so," he said sympathetically.

"A healthy pancreas will create insulin to break down the sugar but because yours isn't working properly your sugar levels are too high which is what is causing you all these symptoms," he finished. He paused in his explanation and was looking at us waiting for us to digress everything that was said.

"How did he get type 1 diabetes? Neither of our parents had it, or grandparents from both sides," Aidan asked.

"Type 1 diabetes isn't passed down in genetics, that is typical type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes usually develops if a person's immune system isn't all that great at fighting infections, and it attacks the wrong cells. And because young Avery's immune system isn't the greatest we can see why he developed diabetes," he finished.

"Now Avery does need to see an endocrinologist, which is a doctor who specializes in diabetes, he/she will be able to explain everything a lot better and be able to tell you what to use to give your body insulin, since nowadays's there are a lot of ways to monitor your glucose levels and such. Today, however, I will provide you with a needle and a glucose monitor, and enough insulin to last you a week. And I can also provide you with a great endocrinologist. Dr. Cole Solace. Fair warning, he is very young but that is because he graduated high school and college early. After all, he took a lot of classes at once. He went to medical school early at the age of 17 and graduated at the age of 21. He is a literal genius, very smart, and a very stupendous doctor. Your little brother is in great hands," he told me, and the last part to my brothers.

But I stopped listening when he mentioned the name of the end whatever it's called. Cole was going to be my doctor! Even though I don't know him as well, I at least know him somewhat. But wait! What if he tells Mikayla and his brothers?! I don't want anyone to know! But wait, isn't there something like a doctor-patient confidentiality agreement or something? Yeah, there is so that means he can't tell anyone anything unless I allow him!

"Do you think you can give in a few favors so that we can see Dr. Solace as soon as possible? I want my brothers and me to get used to it as quickly as possible," Asher said with a frown, and his displeasure clear in his expression.

"Yes, I can certainly try, and I understood wholeheartedly. Now, first, let me go and get some needles and a glucose monitor, and a finger pricker, and I will explain everything. Sit tight, I'll be right back," he said smiling as he left the room. I took a deep breath and looked up at my brothers.

"If you are eating a light meal, take 8 units of insulin, medium-sized meal take 10 units of insulin, and if you are eating a large meal take 12 units of insulin. Now when I say small, medium, or large meals I am talking about the number of carbs you are eating in the meal. For example, eating pasta or pizza is a lot of carbs you are digesting so that would mean you are giving yourself 12 units of insulin. Now when you are giving yourself insulin, you take the needle and stick it in the top of the bottle, and slowly pull the insulin into the tube. Make sure you get rid of any air bubbles, to ensure that only insulin is entering your bloodstream, not air. Also, when you are ready to check your sugar levels, wipe the area clean with an alcohol pad which I will provide for you. Clean the area nicely so that you do not get an infection or anything. When you prick yourself, make sure to squeeze the tip of your finger a little so that an adequate amount of blood comes out, and then simply get the reader and place the tip of the tip on the blood so that the monitor can measure your glucose numbers," he finished looking over at me and my brothers.

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