Chapter 11

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"We know you have questions baby boy, but wait until we eat and then we will answer all your questions, as well as discuss our new rules for you boys, okay?" He nodded his head.

Avery's POV

While we were on our way to the hotel room, I wanted to ask either Austin or Anderson what was going on, but before I could Asher looked back at us and said. "We know you have questions but, just wait until we eat dinner okay?" I nodded my head and we continued our short trip to our room. I looked around in fascination, the hotel was so fancy. It was fancier than any hotel I've ever been in. Not that I've been in a whole lot, but you know. Before I knew it we arrived at our room. I didn't see any other hotel key card for another room, so I'm guessing we are all sharing one hotel room. Usually, we rent out 2 rooms. One for Austin and Anderson usually, and then one for Asher, Aidan, and me. We got in and settled our bags down. It wasn't a whole lot we only brought in one bag since we were only staying for one night.

"Okay, we will settle whose sharing what room later but for now what do you guys want to eat? Do you want room service or do you want to go down to the hotel's restaurant and eat there?" I sort of tuned out at that point, since I don't usually have a say in what we do when we are out, like we are now. However, a few minutes later I hear my name being called and then someone asking me a question.

I shook my head and then said, "Huh? What, what did you say? Sorry I wasn't listening," I said once I realized one of my brothers were calling me.

"Avery, you have to pay attention baby," Asher said both kindly and warningly. "I was saying, do you want to eat in our room or do you want to eat downstairs in the hotel's restaurant? You are the tie-breaker baby, so whatever you choose is what we're going to do." I was thinking Avery I was really tired and didn't want a bunch of people seeing me eat soo I chose room service.

"I want room service please Asher," I said softly. Avery nodded his head in agreement and then got menus off the coffee table. "Okay, I'm going to order anything she's acting have any preferences for acting. All of my brothers including me shook our heads. Soon enough Asher ordered our food and then told us to freshen up since there did would be coming soon. I had just changed and when I came back out the food was already there. I walked over to my brother's and sat down in between Asher and Austin.

Asher got a plate set up for me and then handed me my plate. After handing me my plate he got himself a plate of food and once he stared eating his own food, I looked at all my brothers which one of them was going to be feeding me since they don't let me eat on my own. After a couple of minutes of me not eating all my brothers turned to look at me.

"Aren't you going to eat your food baby boy?" Asher asked. I looked at him dumbfounded. "You mean I can eat in my own?" I asked in amazement. "Of course Avery," I looked over at Aidan when he said that. Once I got the okay from my brothers I eagerly started eating my food. I sat happily, not listening to what my brothers were talking about and not saying anything either. This was the first time that I remember my brothers not cooing or saying anything about how cute I looked while eating. Or about the mess I made on my face while eating.

About half and hour later we were all done and I went to clean my face of the food. I came back and saw all my brothers sitting in the couches. There was a spot between Asher and Aidan but I felt like this would be a serious conversation and so I knee I would want comfort afterwords so I just sat on Asher's lap. I walked over to him and when I sat down on his lap I felt him stiffen because he probably thought I would want to sit in my own since they always pick me and up and put me on their laps. Instead after a second I felt him relax and snuggled into his chest and placed my head in the crook of his neck and I felt him rub his hands on my stomach. All my brothers knew that this gesture soothes me and so I just sat in content. Once we were sitting quietly for about 5 minutes I started asking questions.

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