Chapter 1

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Avery's POV:

I stirred awake in my bed and felt something wet and warm on my leg. I pulled my covers off and that's when I saw it- a medium-sized puddle on my bedsheets. I didn't need to smell it to know that it was my pee and I had yet again wet my bed. This thing didn't happen that often....well okay maybe it did, but I don't like to admit that.

"Not again", I mumbled/groaned to myself and crawled out of bed. I looked at my alarm which read 2 am. That was good. That meant that all my brothers should be asleep and I could get away with them not finding out.

I pulled my covers off of my bed and then my sheets. Next, I took off my urine-soaked PJ pants and boxers and threw them on the sheets. After I got in new boxers and PJ pants I took my sheets and wet clothes down the hall to the laundry room. I cringed as the door creaked when I opened it and prayed it wouldn't wake up Asher or Austin whose rooms were across and next to the laundry room. I went in dumped my sheets and wet clothes into the washing machine and poured the detergent in.

"What are you doing in here?", I heard Asher ask. I jumped and spun around trying to hide what I was doing.

"N-nothing", I lied nervously. "Everything is fine go back to bed"

"It's not nothing or you wouldn't be in here at 2 in the morning", he yawned and rolled his eyes.

"Now what are you doing in here?", he asked a little more sternly.

"Nothing", I lied again trying to sound less nervous.

"Don't make me ask you again and don't lie to me", Asher said more stern getting annoyed. I sighed and gulped trying to suck up my embarrassment.

"I-I wet the bed", I mumbled softly mainly hoping he wouldn't hear.

"Awe, baby", he cooed and sighed as his face softened. So much for him not hearing me.

"You don't need to hide that from me", he cooed and pushed my hair out of my face. I didn't say anything, just looked down at my feet. He picked me up and set me on his hip looking in the washing machine. I squirmed trying to get down but he held me firm as he started the machine.

"Come on, let's get you in a pull-up", he said softly carrying me out of the laundry room and into the nursery area. My brothers had set up a nursery area in my room for me for occasions like this. There was a changing table, shelves filled with diapers, pull-ups, rash cream, baby wipes, and baby powder, as well as a rocking chair, and a baby swing large enough to fit me.

"I don't need a pull-up!", I protested and squirmed more, trying to get away.

"Shh keep your voice down", he scolded and laid me on the table, strapping my arms to them so I couldn't move. They had added those more recently to keep me from squirming and getting away like I normally did.

"You do since you just wet your bed", he explained softly and pulled off my PJ pants and boxers.

"You're lucky I'm not putting you in a diaper, but if this is not on in the morning when you wake up you will be in a diaper for a good day or so", he threatened and pushed my legs up. My little bubble butt, as they called it, was on full display as he gently rubbed rash cream on it. I had very sensitive skin so I got diaper rashes pretty easily. He laid my legs back down on the table and started to put an Elmo pull-up on me. I didn't fight or complain because I knew if I did I would end up in a diaper instead of the pull-up. When he finished pulling it up all the way so it hugged my waist he put my PJ pants back on and undid the restraints.

"There you go", he cooed and picked me up patting my 'diapered' bottom softly. I sighed and yawned just wanting to go back to bed and forget about this.

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