Chapter 9

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Asher's POV:

It had been a few days since we had gone to the beach. Avery was still in diapers since he kept having accidents. We only had one more day here before heading home and I figured us older boys could go out and have a little fun. We had decided that the four of us were gonna go see a rated R movie so Avery definitely couldn't come. The only thing was we needed a babysitter for Avery. I was trying to think of someone when I remembered about Cassie, the girl from the beach the other day. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Me: Hey Cassie! This is Asher! I'm not sure if you remember me or not but you helped me changed my brother, Avery's, diaper on the beach the other day.

Cassie: Oh hey Asher! Of course, I remember! I couldn't forget such an adorable baby like Avery!

Me: I'm glad! I had a question for you involving him

Cassie: Ok! Shoot!

Me: It's one of our last nights here and I and my brothers wanted to do something that is too grown-up for Avery. I was wondering if you would want to babysit him tonight. It would be from about 5 to 9 so you would have to give him dinner, a bath, and get him to bed.

Cassie: OMG!! I would love that!

Asher: Geat! I'll text you the address!

I texted her the addresses and we said goodbye. I then went to find Avery. He was sitting in the living room on his floor watching TV. He had some toys on the ground he was mindlessly playing with.

"Hey Avery", I smiled and sat next to him on the ground.

"Hi", Avery mumbled and glanced at me. He had a t-shirt on that was light blue and said cutie bootie on it. Besides that, he had on a thick diaper with Winnie the pooh on the front of it.

"Do you remember Cassie from the beach?", I asked him and he nodded.

"Well, me, Aidan, Austin, and Anderson are gonna go out tonight so she is gonna babysit you", I smiled at him. He turned and bright red and his eyes went wide.

"What! No! Please No!", he fussed. I shook my head and sighed.

"Calm down, it will just be for a few hours, and she's nice. Besides, we can't leave you alone and you can't come with us", I explained and got up to go get ready leaving Avery to watch TV. I knew he couldn't walk with his diaper on so he wouldn't follow me.

A few hours later there was a knock on the door and I went to answer it. It was Cassie.

"Hey, Cassie! Thanks for doing this!", I told her and let her in.

"No problem!", Cassie smiled. She waved at Avery and said hello then I showed her where everything was.

"So for dinner, there's some spaghetti in the fridge you can heat up for him. We promised him this week that he could eat on his own this week so you can just set him at the table with that", I started.

"He will make a mess so you'll need to give him a bath after", I said leading her to the bathroom. I showed her where his toys were and the soap we used for him.

"After his bath, you can get him changed in a fresh diaper and some pj's. The diapers are here and you can pick from these pj's", I explained and showed her where the stuff was.

"You can then put him in the living room on the floor and let him watch TV for a little", I said and lead her back to the kitchen.

"At around 7:30 you can give him his bottle which is here. Warm it up though", I said showing her where the bottle is.

"Finally you can rock him and put him to bed", I said and showed her the pac n play.

"Okay great!", she grinned. I said goodbye to Avery and the four of us left.

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