Chapter 23

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"Love you, too," we all responded simultaneously. It was only a second after that when he shut our door behind him.

I scooted a little closer to Austin and Anderson wrapped an arm around me and gave a content sigh. It had been a long morning (even though I'd only been up for not even two hours) and I was ready to get some more rest. I don't know exactly how long it took, but I was back asleep before I ever heard Aidan leave.

Avery's POV

For the next couple of days, all 5 of us spent a lot of quality time. We took off a couple of days of school, except for Asher and Aidan who would go to work and then come home the second their day ended. Asher and Aidan both figured that we haven't been able to spend time together because Asher had to go to that teacher's convention thing and Aidan has been busy with his job as well. Aidan had taken me to the doctor because I had lost a lot of weight and I'd been drinking a lot more cold water than I usually do. And because I've been drinking so much water, I've been peeing on the bed, and because of that, I have to wear a pull-up at night again. When we went to the doctor the doctor told us to take some tests. He said that he thinks he knows what is wrong, but he wanted to confirm it before telling us. The tests take a couple of days, so we are waiting, and to say my brothers were ready to throttle me, would be an understatement.

It was the most nerve-wracking past couple of days since Asher came back and to say that I was annoying them too much was an understatement. I could tell I was bothering them too much about my test results. I was just really nervous!

Anyway, since we had taken off a couple of days it was time to go back to school and then have the weekend. Today was the day we were going to find out the test results. Asher and Aidan were picking me up early to go.

The time for me to return to school came much, much faster than I wanted it to. I was out for over a week and unfortunately, I got a little too used to not having to get up at the crack of dawn. I hate mornings, and the only person who knows that better than me is Asher.

"C'mon, Avery," Asher shook me for the third or fourth time, obviously starting to get fed up, "You're going to school. You have to get up."

"No," I groaned again, sticking my face further into my pillow, "I'm sleeping."

Getting me out of bed has never been an easy task for Asher, but since I'd been out for so long and my sleep schedule was all messed up, it was about twenty times harder.

"You've been out of school for a couple of days," Asher said, pulling the pillow out from under my head, making me grunt, "Tomorrow is the weekend you have a ton of homework to turn in. You're going. And you are going home early since you have to go to the doctor. So come on, get up," Asher said, shaking me awake.

"No, I'm not," I mumbled, settling for burying my head back into my arms once he took my pillow. I was too tired to mind.

I heard him sigh before he reached under me and forcibly flipped me over onto my back. I whined when the light from the window shined directly in my face, but Asher didn't give me time to voice my complaints before he manhandled me into a sitting position.

"Yes," Asher started sternly, leveling me with a stern look, "You are going, and you're about ten seconds away from taking an early morning trip across my knee if you don't get your little ass out of this bed right now."

I'd officially run through Asher's patience, what with bothering him and the rest of my brothers about my test results, and with my refusal to get out of bed, and I could tell by the look on his face that he was very far from joking with me. His voice was low, and his eyebrows were arched as if he was challenging me. I hate it when he does that because I feel like I'm in even worse trouble than I am.

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