Chapter 19

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Before I could say anything I heard a car door opening and then closing and a sudden shriek coming from Mikayla, and when I turned around, I was met with a dangling Mikayla being held up by her brother, Alejandro who was smiling brightly at her.

Mikayla's POV

I jumped when I felt arms going around me, but relaxed instantly when smelled my brother's cologne.

"Hi Ale!" I yelled in his ear when I settled in his arms. My arms went around his neck and my legs wrapped around my brother's waist. I felt him kiss my forehead and then whisper, "Hi baby," he whispered into my ear, rubbing my back. "Missed me?" he whispered, chuckling in my ear. I rested my head in the nape of his neck and nodded.

It was then that I remembered Avery and his brothers were watching all this, and I promptly jumped down from my brothers' arms.

"Woah, sweetheart," he exclaimed. "A little warning next time. I don't need you getting injured just cause you don't want me holding you in front of people," he said, settling me down carefully, and giving me a look.

I blushed and looked down at my feet, while my brothers and Avery's brothers silently laughed.

I felt Avery lean down and then whisper, "It's okay Mikayla, my brothers do the same thing and they still do even when I tell them not to," he said with a kind smile.

I looked back up and smiled back at him. That's right, Asher did the same thing with Avery in front of everyone else as well.

"Hey, why don't you ask your brothers about the sleepover?" Avery reminded me.

"Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me," I told him sweetly with a smile. He smiled back at me, and then we both turned to my brothers. Before I could ask Alejandro about the sleepover, Asher called Avery to him, and he went to him. Upon reaching his brother, Asher wrapped his arms around Avery and kissed his forehead, and felt his forehead. Looking away, I turned to Alejandro.

"Um, Alejandro, I was wondering if I could have a sleepover with Avery this weakened?" I asked kind of meekly since I never had a sleepover or been invited to a sleepover.

After receiving silence, I took a chance to look up and looked at the blank looks from my brothers. Feeling self-conscious I looked over at Avery who was still wrapped in his brother's arms around him. He was red, but since his brother wasn't letting up, he decided to ignore Asher's arms around him, and just shrugged at me when I looked at him.

Clearing my voice I said, "Ale?" I said hesitantly, shaking him a little. That seemed to get him out of whatever stooper he was in.

"Huh? Oh yeah, baby, of course, you can," he said with a hesitant smile. "But, who are you inviting over baby?" he asked, not wanting to offend her since she's never gone to a sleepover or had one herself. Thankfully, Mikayla didn't look offended, instead, she shot her brother an understanding smile.

"I was only going to invite Avery over. He already asked his brothers, and they said yes, right?" I said to my brother, and also shooting a questioning look to Avery and upon receiving a nod with a smile from him, I gave my brother an exciting look.

Please, please say yes, I thought to myself. My brothers usually say yes to me, whenever, I ask them anything since I don't ask for a lot. The stuff that I have is from my brothers wanting to get me stuff since they want to use their money on someone they care about. There are words, not mine. The reason I was worried that they might say no was because I was inviting a boy over to spend a NIGHT at our house.

However, he completely shocked me when he said, "Yes, of course, you can baby girl! We trust you and we trust Avery," he said.

I thanked him by running to him and jumping in his arms and kissing his cheeks in thanks. He laughed when he caught me and laughed, even more, when I kissed his cheeks. He gave me kisses back and hugged me even tighter.

My Big Brothers (OG)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя