Chapter 17

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Asher took him from Austin's arms and nuzzled his face in his soft hair. I saw Asher running his fingers through his hair and then sat him down at his chair to eat breakfast. Breakfast went without a hitch and before I knew it we were all in the car except Aidan and on out way to school.

Avery's POV

We got to school, and my jaw dropped when I saw the size of the school that I was going to be a student in for the next 4 years.

How in the world am I going to remember where all my classes are? This school is huge, and there are different buildings too! They never told me that there were several different buildings on campus!

I went on for several more minutes in my head, when I was brought out of my musing by Asher.

"Hey bud, you there baby?" Asher said while shaking me a little. I looked at him and all I saw was concern.

Why does he look so worried? Oh no! Was I spacing out again?!

Asher's POV

"You excited baby? I know the school is big, but I know that you will do awesome and you'll have a whole lot of friends. When we get inside take you to the main office, and depending on which class you'll have I'll either take you to class, or one of our other brothers will take you," I said while looking for parking.

It was silent in the car, and when I parked the car and I still didn't get a response from my baby brother, I decided to turn around to see.

When I turned around to see why he hadn't answered yet, I was met with the dazed, and glazed over expression adorning my baby brother's face.

I laughed and then gently shook my brother.

He jumped, like he wasn't expecting it and I frowned. He looked around and saw that Austin and Anderson had already gotten out of the car and were waiting for us to come out and join them.

I did not like it when my brother's mind went to other places, and he completely forgot about his surroundings. When my brother came too, he saw the expression on my face and he immediately looked down with a guilty look on his adorable face. I tried to keep the stern expression on my face, but it was very difficult.

"A.V.E.R.Y," I said sternly to him, with a glare on my face. Avery immediately looked up, mouth open and ready to respond.

"Bu," he tried explaining.

"No. No Avery, you know how your brothers feel when you get so lost in your thoughts, that you forget about your surroundings," I said sternly to him with a finger pointed at him.

"What if you stepped out of the car and tried walking across the road? In that state you wouldn't be checking to see if it was safe to cross yet, would you?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. I saw as he nodded his head in acceptance.

"I'm sorry bubby," I heard him whisper, his voice breaking slightly. I got out of the car without responding to him, and quickly walked over to his door. When I opened his door I saw tears streaming down his face. My heart broke when I saw the heartbroken expression on his face.

I opened the door, and crouched in front of him. I wrapped my arms around him and brought his head against my chest. I sighed out loud as I rested my chin on his head and kept kissing his hair. I whispered sweet nothings in his ear and soon enough he had calmed down enough. When I looked back up I saw Austin and Anderson looking at Avery in concern.

"I'll explain later," I mouthed to them. I saw them nod their head in agreement.

"Alright, little guy let's get going. We don't want to be late do we?" I asked him kindly. He shook his head with a smile on his face, and a sparkle in his big green eyes.

My Big Brothers (OG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora