Chapter 16

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Avery and Anderson were sick for a couple of more days. Thankfully, their fevers did not get too high, so they didn't have to go to the hospital, which Asher, Aidan, and Austin were happy about. They had visits from Mikayla and her brothers, and overall Anderson and Avery were happy to escape from their overprotective brothers. Even if it was escaping from their clutches to go to school.

Avery's POV

I woke up to sunlight streaming in my room. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 6:00 am.

Ugh, it's too early for this. Might as well get ready for school. My brothers won't have to physically get me out of bed for once.

After 5 minutes I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and get ready for my first day of school. It's the fourth day of school officially but because none of us actually went to school since I and Anderson were sick, we are treating today as our first day of school. I got out of the bathroom freshly showered when Asher and Aidan woke up to get ready. I was still in my room looking for the best shirt and pants to wear since 'first impressions were important.

By the time I had an outfit chosen and I was ready to head downstairs, I heard my door opening. Normally my brothers knock, but because they thought I was still asleep since I don't normally wake up on my own, they just opened. When Asher saw me up and awake and ready, I swear his eyes bugged out (like in those cartoons). I just laughed at his expressions, because I was also surprised that I got up early.

"Good morning bubby," I said softly to Asher. His eyes instantly softened and he came into the room and kissed me on the forehead smiling. And I swear I saw tears in his eyes, but I didn't say anything.

"Good morning baby," he whispered in my ear. He rested his forehead against mine and smiled at me before ruffling my hair. The hair that I spent 20 minutes perfecting. I glared at him and immediately tried fixing it.

"Ashher! Why did you do that?! It took me 20 minutes to fix it," I groaned out, mad. He just simply laughed at me and then got me in a headlock. Normally, my brothers never became physical with me because they were scared, I would get hurt. This really came into play ever since that car accident that killed our mom. I was injured in that crash very badly, and ever since then, my brothers have made sure they were careful around me. It was really annoying because I would see them play fighting (even Anderson, and they baby him too), and then when I wanted to join them, they would stop everything they were doing and do something else.

Sometimes I just wanted to be a regular kid with brothers who were a bit rough with him when we were fooling around. Now I'm happy that my brothers are beginning to fight with me now.

The first time they did this was with Anderson and Austin. They were wrestling after Austin beat Anderson in one of their video games, I think it was Call of Duty or Fortnight or something. I was playing with them but I didn't really care that I lost because it was my first time playing with them. The only games I was allowed to play were car racing games because the games my brothers would play were 'too violent for their precious baby brother'. Anyway, Anderson and Austin don't really like playing those games because they are boring, so I always only played those games. I would be playing against the computer, and I got really good at the game since I only was allowed to play the one game.

When Anderson launched himself at Austin and they started wrestling Anderson asked me for help since he was losing. I eagerly jumped on Austin's back to throw him since I knew he wasn't expecting me to jump in like that. His shock was quickly shoved aside because I was thrown off his back and was in a headlock in the next second. But then Anderson was able to get our revenge because he attacked him and Austin was on the floor on his back with me and Anderson sitting on legs and his chest to stop him from getting up.

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