Chapter 39 Flame

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Y/N runs up to the thestral the second she sees it.

Y/N runs up to the thestral the second she sees it

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"Hello, love." She runs her hand along it's mane. "Think you can help us out?"

It's eyes are dark and infinite like the night sky. It's wings stretch out past the length of over half a dozen people. 

Sparks steps up into the air and throws her other leg over the creature. And once mounted, she founds Luna, Neville, and Harry on thestrals as well. However, she finds Hermione, Ron, and Ginny still on the ground.


"How're we supposed to get on, when we can't see the things." Ron points out.

Luna looks over. "Oh that's easy, y-"

"-No," Y/N interrupts. "We don't have time for a demonstration.

Sparks waves her hands over at the three of them and they fly up onto their own thestrals. Admittedly, she didn't think about how it would feel to them before she did it, but Sirius is in trouble.

Ron shoots her a glare. "Don't do that."

She sighs. "Can you feel the winged horse?"

They nods and she nods. "Good, hold on tight and don't let go. I'm sorry, but if you want to help, then you won't make this difficult."

Y/N looks to Harry. "Whenever you're ready."

He turns to his thestral. "We need to get to the Ministry of Magic in London."

For a short period, everything is silent, like the creature didn't hear him. But suddenly, it's hooves push off against the ground and bolt for thew sky.

Sparks looks to hers' and the other's. "Follow them!"

And before anyone could say a thing, they were all off into the sky, shooting back to England. 

After a while, Hermione stops screaming, but she and the Weasley's won't soon give up the fear of falling to a painful end. Y/N tries to tell herself that their squirminess is justified, that if she couldn't see her ride, than she'd freak out too. But she can't help but find it funny. The look on their faces and the way they won't move and inch.

At some point, she gave up her tight hold on the creature and relaxed, letting one of her arms reach for the sky. Despite the dim circumstance of their situation, the sky's cleared. Those storm clouds have long gone now that they're free.

Freedom feels odd. Over time, it's become that rare sense that only occurs every now and then. Quidditch always brings that feeling back, but now that the season's over, it doesn't exactly do her much good. With being limited to Grimmauld Place and then stuck in the castle with someone like Umbridge, it all started to be a bit too much. Like the oxygen in the room was always not quite enough for her to breath. But here in the sky, the oxygen goes on forever. 

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