Chapter 5 Social Pariah

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The isles of the Hogwarts Express are as crowded as a rock concert. Everyone's risen from their seats and on their way to get off the train and onto the platform. There's talking and yelling and shuffling. It's an annoyance more than anything.


Y/N turns around to see that two first years are running down the isle and knocked someone's bag over. 

She calls after them. "Please don't run, we're all trying to get off the train."

Of course, they don't hear her and Goyle looks to her. "Seems your Prefect status is a bit defective."

She rolls her eyes as Crabbe chuckles with the git. "Maybe. Though it won't be when I catch you and Crabbe blowing off class or whatever it is you two are going to be doing wrong. I'm sure the trophies would love a bit of polishing."


Y/N reaches up to the shelf so she can grab her wand before leaving the luggage on the train. 

"Need some help?"

"No, I've got it." 

Malfoy grabs the suitcase, knowing she wasn't going to accept his offer even if she was in need of it. "Here."

Sparks grabs the bag and places it down on the table, opening the front zipper

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Sparks grabs the bag and places it down on the table, opening the front zipper.

He stands there, waiting to walk with her as his mates stand outside the exit, waiting for him. "What're you looking for?"

"It doesn't really count as looking if I know where it is."

She suddenly pulls the quartz wand out of the bag. "See, I knew."

"Sure." He says with a smirk. "So, you ready to go."

"Yeah, just let me put this ba-"

Draco suddenly grabs the bag from out of her hand and puts it back up on the shelf.

A confused and slightly annoyed expression appears on Y/N's face. "I didn't need you to do that. I can manage on my own just fine."

He smirks. "Maybe, but it's easier to just let me do it."

She rolls her eyes as the both of them walks down the isle and then go on to get onto the platform.

"You should come down to the common room tonight."

"I can't do that." She proclaims.

"Why not?"

"Well for one." She starts. "I'm not allowed down there after last year. Getting caught would get me a week's worth of detentions. And two, I have to show the first years to the Gryffindor common room and answer their questions. And as Slytherin prefect, you have the same task."

Parkinson decides that it's a good time to join the conversation. "Yeah, Draco. The two of us need to deal with the first years.

'Is she kidding?' is all that goes through Y/N's mind. They haven't even gotten to the castle yet and Pansy's already hitting on Draco.

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