Chapter 24 Young And Reckless

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The halls of Hogwarts are more enjoyable when they've got sound filling them. There isn't anything wrong with it being empty. It's easy to walk for ages and think to yourself when it's like that. But when people are around, it's more alive. It all feels a little more real. Like having others see it, makes it seem less likely to be a dream.


Sparks looks down the hall to find Malfoy, walking in; He just got here from the train.

She immediately starts running over. "Draco!"

The boy meets her halfway there, where she jumps into his arms, holding onto him like a child with a stuffed animal. After just standing there for a second, she pulls back and looks at him. He seems as perfect as ever, with his hair an off white and eyes an icy blue. It would take her a thousand words to describe his flawless appearance.

 It would take her a thousand words to describe his flawless appearance

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Y/N puts her hands on his face and pulls him towards her. She's been wanting to do this for the past two weeks. So much so that she started dreaming about him, as if she's unable to live without. A second later she feels his hands on her waist. He holds onto her, allowing her to rise to reach him.

His skin is warm. Not radiating like a fire or the Sun, warm. He feels like a sweater that's just come out of the dryer, a mug of tea that's been sitting for ten minutes, reading a book inside as snow is caving in on the world. His lips are smooth and so are his hands. Like the petals of a pristine rose from a Wiltshire garden. He's everything. And she wants it all, grasping onto him like gravity does the Earth.

Draco leans out of the kiss. "I didn't see you all break."

"Did you miss me?" She responds, clearly teasing the lad.


He interlocks his fingers into hers and leads her into the Great Hall, which they've been standing in front of for the entirety of that past few minutes.

The room is filled with hundreds of students, buzzing to be back. They all sit at the tables, chatting and cheering for Dumbledore to give his little speech before he allows dinner to commence. It seems that the holidays do wonders for the school's spirit. Similar to Quidditch and Hogsmeade trips, it seems to serve as a conduit for joy.

Y/N doesn't know exactly what it is about him that's got her so mad. How does such a strong-willed person turn to mush with a simple glance to a another? And when do they tell the other just how much power they have over them? How does one put it all into words?

The second she lets his hand go, Draco turns back. "Aren't you coming?"

She glances over at the Slytherin table. "No," Then to Gryffindor. "I better stay with the others, but if you want, we could meet at the Astronomy Tower tonight."

He looks at her for a split moment, "I would, but I need to work on that Arithmancy assignment before classes start."

Sparks nods her head. "No worries, I'll see you later."

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