Chapter 19 Sliver Of Light

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The second that Y/N Sparks enters the dining hall, eyes turn to her. Whispers fill the tables and thoughts are filling people's heads. Opinions on how she conducted herself and how she should've conducted herself that day. It's hard not to notice people staring when one can feel the room's shift in emotions.

One thing that also isn't helpful is that the bruise on her face hasn't gone away yet. The purple mark under her left eye and right next to her nose has been stubborn as a horse and has persisted in staying. George apologized for it, talked about it being and accident, but it was just more chatter. A bit more talk, going in one ear and out the other.

"This isn't okay."

Hermione looks to Ginny. "No, it isn't. She's completely cut herself out. She doesn't talk, she doesn't pay attention, and she isn't going to classes. Y/N's only been going to the detentions.."

The girl shakes her head in disbelief. "You're joking.."

"I wish I was."

"Well there has to be something we can do. I mean, it was just a fight, right?"

"No, it was more than that. Something happened later that day."

She knows she shouldn't be telling people, but Ginny wouldn't spread it around, so it should be fine. That afternoon, after Y/N had to basically be sedated, she stopped speaking and refused to leave her bed for a few days. Only leaving at night when Umbridge had insisted she attended her corporeal punishment.

"What happened?"

Hermione looks around for a second. "Well, Kevin and I decided to go check on her in the infirmary. But when we arrived, she wasn't there. Madam Pomfrey informed us that Umbridge came in and told her that she'd be serving a week's worth of detentions and then she left. The two of use headed out into the corridor in the direction that she went and eventually found her. Y/N was hyperventilating."

Ginny glances to Sparks. "Bloody hell.."

"She was having trouble breathing and was panicking

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"She was having trouble breathing and was panicking. She cried a lot and we did our best, but it wasn't till Madam Pomfrey arrived and gave her Draught of Peace that she calmed down. Then, Y/N went back to the infirmary with her and we stood there, worried. The next day, Y/N returned to the dorms and you know the rest."

"Has Harry spoken to her?"


"And.. do you know.... I mean if.. Malfoy?"

"I doubt it. I know that she always said she was fine, but I think that night at the Quidditch World Cup had a bigger impact than she lets on. And I think that Umbridge's detentions remind her of it. Of the pain and the feelings. As much as she hates to admit it, she isn't the same person. That night changed her and what's happening now is bringing it all up again.."

Ginny nods. "She never even talked about it, now that I think back. Y/N shrugged it off afterwards and her parents seemed to just be glad that she was alive. They didn't make her talk about it and she came to Hogwarts a few days later."

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