Chapter 14 The Secret

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Y/N looks around the sky as the second snow of the season flies down in beautiful little crystals. There's a small breeze that she can feel on the front of her face and breathing leaves a refreshing feeling in the throat. Her hand's open, catching snowflakes one by one and as each of them land and fail to melt away, she can't help but lose herself.

It's been a few weeks since Harry said he'd think about teaching people Defense Against The Dark Arts and a few days since he finally agreed. Hermione's arranged a meeting at the Hog's Head pub today and it seems that a decent amount of students are interested. However, not a single one of them is a Slytherin. Y/N made an argument, but couldn't seem to convince anyone that they were trustworthy. Harry, Hermione and Ron made her swear not to tell Malfoy and it's killing her.

A white bird with tan details suddenly lands on her open hand, seemingly fine with her presence. The bird her mother once pointed out to be a Snow Bunting sits in peace and looks up to her curiously. It's dark eyes and simple color pattern reminds her of Aurora, It's personality only adding to the relation.

"Hello, Darling. Have you traveled here for the Winter?"

The little thing makes a tiny motion and she smiles. "I think that's exactly what you've done. Is your flock nearby?"


She turns around and looks down to Draco, motioning the bird to fly back to it's friends. "Hi."

He uses his hand to stop the sun from blinding him. "Will you get back down here, please?"

Sparks smiles. "Of course."

The girl allows her other hand to make a small movement, sending her swiftly back down to the ground. Malfoy seems to exhale in relief as she steps unharmed out of her quick descent to the earth. Upon a reflection, she sees how it might unnerve someone to watch her drop.

She instantly sits down next to him. "Hello again."

"Where did you go?"

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"Where did you go?"

"Well, to the sky of course."

"Is that why it took three times to catch your attention?"

"Oh shush."

Y/N jumps at Draco, tackling him to the ground. Despite his resistance, she manages to pin his arms in the quickest second.

She smirks. "I win."

He objects. "Only because you took me by surprise."

There' a sarcastic expression of thought. "I still win."

As her hair falls down, surrounding his face, Draco rolls his eyes. "Alright, Sparks. You win."

She stares down at his icy eyes and can't help the feeling of butterflies, soaring around her stomach. Y/N soon finds her arms loosening as her lips go to meet his. He's just so imperfectly perfect. And by being that, he closely matches her in that sense where the two go well together. The quill to the ink, the magic to the wand.

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