Chapter 30 Choice

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                                                                                    That Night 

Y/N sits in the common room, going through her textbook. Nothing seems foreign, which is good. But some of it's fuzzy. So a review is well needed. 

She isn't the only one up late through the nights

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She isn't the only one up late through the nights. A lot of the fifth years have turned into study machines in the past month. They all spend their time, reciting, reviewing, rereading. Something about this year feels so, determined. Like the idea that time at Hogwarts is limited is becoming more and more aware to them all. Sparks herself didn't fully realize that concept until earlier today. 

After Telling Draco that she needs time to think, she spent the entire day thinking about who she is and who she wants to be. How he fits into it all. The problem is, when thinking of her time after Hogwarts, her mind goes blank. Careers, they all seem great and like good options, but they don't feel right. Nothing seems to call her name. Being an Auror sounds like hell, a herbologist or alchemist doesn't feel right, Arithmancers spend too much time indoors, Dragonologists suffer from injury all the time, journalists are horrid most of the time, and the day she works for the Ministry is the day she eats her shoe.

And if all that wasn't enough for one day, she's got no clue what to do about Draco. Whether she cares about him isn't the point, it's trust. Can Y/N trust Malfoy to be there for her when it counts? Or will he always disappear like he did the other day? Maybe if he wasn't so fricking attractive, this wouldn't be such a problem. He's been there for her before, but something was different this time. "I can't do the 'comforting boyfriend" thing". He actually said that. It's not that he won't, it's that he can't. But why? Why couldn't he just stand there? That would've been enough.

"You're up late."

She looks over to the steps where Hermione walks in. "I woke up and saw you weren't in your bed."

Sparks nods. "I need to wrap my mind around his Charms stuff. With O.W.L. exams coming, I doubt many will be spending their time sleeping."

"If you don't sleep, your studying will be for nothing.'

"If I waste time, I could fail my exams. And seeing as I have no clue what I'm doing in the future, I need to get Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations on everything."

"You'll figure it out."

"Will I?" She asks. "Because I can't even figure out what to do tomorrow, let alone what to do in two years."

Granger sits down next to her. "So, you should sleep on it. Malfoy will still be there tomorrow and so will job options."

The fire makes a cackling sound. "I suppose so, but I still need to study. If I don't do well, it limits my opportunity to change my mind."

"Okay well, come up soon."


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