Kokichi Meets Himiko's Mom (2)

Start from the beginning

  "How can it be mating season if it's always autumn here?" Kokichi asked.

   "Eh, I dunno," Himiko admitted with a shrug. "The dragons know what they're doing, so I'm not gonna question it. I guess it's just like how birds know how to fly south for the winter. They just know." Kokichi shrugged, accepting Himiko's answer. "But, if you do ever come across a dragon, whether it's mating season, or not, always remember...that dragons love honey."

  "...Honey?! " Kokichi asked incredulously. "Why honey?!"

   "Nyeh...I'm not sure," Himiko replied. "Maybe because they like the color of it? Nobody knows why. It's just an important fact that we mages have to keep in mind. But, personally, I've always been afraid of the dragons. They're really big and loud."

   "Well...I hope we see one before we leave!" Kokichi said, bouncing with excitement.

  "Nyeh...I hope not," Himiko mumbled. Finally, they entered the village, passing a sign that read "Welcome to Harvest Moon" in large, bold, autumn-colored letters. Kokichi looked around him at the cute, little cottages. They passed by a few mages who waved happily, some staring at Kokichi with curiosity. He was the only one who didn't fit in; everyone else was wearing autumn attire and hats similar to Himiko's. Kokichi stared in shock and amazement at a mage walking their three-headed dog. 

   "Newcomer?" an elderly mage asked Kokichi. He was selling hats from a stand that was propped up on the sidewalk outside his cottage. 

   "Yeah!" Kokichi replied. The elderly mage handed Kokichi a hat that looked like everyone else's.

   "Here you go, boy," he said with a kind smile. "Free of charge!"

   "Hahaha, wow! Thanks, mister old mage!" Kokichi replied, laughing happily as he placed the hat on his head. 

   "Hey! You must be the nonmagical boy everyone's talking about!" the elderly mage said. 

   "That's me!" Kokichi nodded. The elderly mage turned to Himiko.

   "Which means you're Himiko, the Guardian Mage!" he said. Himiko curtsied politely to him.

   "Yes, sir," she replied. 

   "Well, isn't that something?!" the elderly mage said, shaking both Kokichi and Himiko's hands. "It's great to meet the both of you! Do you have business here, Guardian Mage?"

   "Nyeh...I'm visiting relatives," Himiko replied. The elderly mage's eyes widened. 

   "You're from here?!" he exclaimed. Himiko smiled and nodded. "Wonderful! Well, I don't want to keep you from doing what you came here for. Again, it was nice meeting you both!"

   "You, too!" Kokichi and Himiko replied in unison, waving goodbye to the elderly mage. They walked further down the road as Himiko looked around for her grandmother's cottage.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 3 (Return of the Oumeno)Where stories live. Discover now