Beautiful lies

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I was about to close the book which is named as "THE WITCH" but thought to give a shot to the author's note funny it is that I'll be reading the author's note ain't it ...but yaaaa why not to give it a the masterpiece she created... Ohhhh btw I'm Noah Pixie ... actually I bought this new house in Edinburgh...while going through the bed room I found this book ...rather to say a diary nahhh a story which the author couldn't publish I guess ... Or maybe an autobiography. Who knows. Ok so I didn't wasted my time much. Quickly turning to the author's note I started reading

" you made upto this way. I'm glad . I'm glad how you believed all the lies . I'm glad how I was able to manipulate you to believe the beautiful lies . It's an work of art. Masterpiece which can only be done by a  master. Technically everything wasn't a lie . The story is based on true events. But the ending is such a big lie ...and moreover the biggest lie is the story is not even written by Christin was all written by her best friend Emilly. Best friend such a silly word . We tend to use it before every person we feel that sista connection with right? We love then to that extent where we get blinded and can never see the hidden moto behind it? Yeah that's what it is . No offence tho. But believe me at the age of 83 I really wanna surrender myself. This guilt formed a long back but it's showing out more when I'm all alone with only the last histories where I can only see sins . The case and all was true Christin was about to solve everything ...she thought me as her best friend. I tried to be until I found out her relationship with Mr. Carlson. I knew it all the time but still I was dangling on the last thread of hope. When the thread fell I was no more into myself. Christine shared everything to me that day in the cafe . I was burning... Burning in jealousy. I wanted her dead body infront of my foot. I was stupid that time. My Intrusive thought won that day I told everything to Mr. Carlson technically I shook hand with him helped him in his crimes . The night when Christine tried to run away I helped mr. Carlson to catch her and her so called stalker lover . That night Mr  Carlson killed that stalker guy   and God knows what he did with his body ...took Christine with him ... unconscious Christin can never know how pleasurable feel she felt before her death. I saw everything hiding behind the doors . How Mr Carlson fucked her then strangled her to death ....such a fine piece of art ... He was not ready to let her go ..he never was. And that's where my heart ached the most. He removed the wooden pieces from the wall placed her body on the wall wrapping it with plastics or what I don't have any idea ... Placing her with the utmost care and then sealing her body on his bedroom walls ....such a brilliant artistic work... Ain't it? But that night I was determined to get what I want . I was reluctant. I was so reluctant... everyone got what they wanted why should I be the unhappy creature I went to mr Carlson's room . Saw him with a glass of whisky sitting on his chair like nothing happened. I removed my robe. They said remove the clothes and you will get what you want...they weren't wrong. They were damn right. I got that night what I wanted. But at the same time I wanted to stop him from committing more crimes. I didn't thought twice to shot him. After the bullet passed right through his forehead where I kissed earlier the blood splattered all around... droplets of blood came splashing onto my milky skin too. I look to the mirror, all naked so beautiful...drop dead gorgeous I was looking. Do t know whether it was afterglow of sex or it was the blood that was making me feel hella gorgeous. I need to cover up everything. I covered it up very wisely... Now I don't wanna say this ...cause already this has been to much...and now if I write things bout how I covered up everything I fear if it goes to wrong hands the future might see the dark world..."

My hands were trembling. I kept the book .


Not all the times all the stories that we hear or see are true ...some are really the created scenarios and there's someone trying to manipulate us to believe it. The world is full of manipulation. It's manipulating us believe the lies and disbelieve the truths...that's how now the system works...

Thank you all ....for patiently reading my all rubbish things hope you didn't enjoy well be honest this was my first time writing a whole ass story or short novel whatever it is. Pls show your love 🙏🙏

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