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When life gives u lemon make lemonade ...but i don't even have water ....fuck's all about my new boss .An A+ pain in ass . Today our new boss Mr. Adreak Carlson Joined the private house i mean the private detective agency house .All ready this job was so devastating for me and now this new boss thing. Everything sucks bruh...but not gonna lie he's kinda you know like dashing, handsome and his accent OML perfect perfect perfect he's just perfect,if only he was bit considerate towards his colleagues and subordinates....

Buzzing of phone:

I closed my diary and thought who  it can be and that too at this hour. I approached towards my phone and oh no pls god not again it's my crazy stalker. I recieved the phone and yeah I was right a deep manly voice spoke up from the other side.

Stalker: "Hey Christine"

Christine: "Listen my day was already tiring can u pls cut the crap in short?"

Stalker: "Don't act like you don't want me"

Christine: "Thats exactly what I want"

Stalker: "Ouch, it hurts won't owe you single penny to act kind once babe"

Christine: "Ewwwwww cheezy "

Stalker : "yes only for u love"

I was going to cut the call but suddenly a melodious sound came from the other end ...sound of a piano i guess. I reattached my phone to my ears . Not gonna lie it was soothing... perfect night after a long tiring day. The music was then followed by a deep voice yet so warm and welcoming

" Let's free ourselves love
   Let's do all those little things you want
   Let's start dancing in the rain
   With your hands over my hands
   Let's dream a dewy dream
   With sparkle of hope all over it
   Let yourself be free
   Let me look through your soul
   Don't hold so much pain in that Pacific Blue eyes of yours
  Give me a chance
  To show the bright side of the world to you
  Give me a chance to bring down the world at your feet "

The call ended.

Didn't realise when tears started to flow from my eyes .This is the only reason why i didn't report him still now.He may be my crazy stalker but deep down he's the only one in my life who keeps company in my monotonous dull life . The little efforts he does are the only thing which keep pushing me away from reporting him ...

Ding ... A notification from an unknown number popped up

Unknown- "good night love"

I didn't reply him back but he's really something...i smiled a little and went to a deep sleep

Next day morning...9.30 am

Fuck fuck fuck ...I'm late again shit ...Mr.Carlson is surely going to sue me today . I somehow managed to freshen up,comb my hair ,tie it into a bun iron my suit and wear it all at once . Finally somehow managed to leave my house and was running 12 min late . I drove my car like a maniac ...while driving i was just praying that I don't fucking meet with an accident now . Somehow I reached the private house  unharmed .Greeted everyone...and yeah there my boss standing infront of my desk welcoming with a big alarming (not warming) smile . I inhaled a deep breath and started to think of other houses where there is vacancy for junior detectives with 6 months experience and got none ...

Mr.Carlson- " Good morning miss Christine Abney or shall I say good afternoon"

Christine-" No it's 10.00. And noon is 12 or past 12" fuck . Damnit Christine why can't u shut your stupid mouth atleast for once when it's a dead end situation... mentally face palming myself

Mr.Carlson -" Meet me at my office within 5 min"
I thought ... 5 min u kidding me I'm going there within 5 sec with the last hope to save my damn job

Knocking sound :

Come in

I took small steps and entered the room

Christine: "Sir I'm so sorry I will not give any excuse today or any day of my life ...I'm taking all the responsibilities for being late and further it will not happen again I'm ready for any punishment but pls don't sue me " said everything within a single breath

Mr Carlson -chuckled a bit ," it's ok but remember the job we do is to protect others for that we need to be very disciplined. I'm leaving you today but remember this was your final chance. Go back to your work"

I sighed in relief, greeted him and went back to my work

"Oh my god Christine are you alright?". There stands my one and only enemy Emily Georgeford . "Pls Emmy I'm not in a mood to argue with you " I said with a poker face .But anyways she's not gonna listen Untill i beat the hell out of her but it's office and i can't do that ."Christine calm down ,don't loose your patience" I mentally calmed myself and slowly walked from there totally ignoring her presence

Nothing special happened untill my hot and handsome boss Stormed into our room and I knew that for next uncountable days we are going to be sleep deprived and have to live on only coffee

"Guys we have a new case and the government want us to work on . So kindly everyone pay your valuable attention here"
Everyone including me turned towards Mr.Carlson

" The murder took place at PONG Market area on the terrace of a constructing building. It was bodies of one lad of 23 and and a lady of 26 . Police are trying to find their identity but it seems they were not living in that area so it's becoming a bit difficult for them . Our forensic team has already arrived there and we will be leaving within 2 mins so pack your stuffs and head towards the parking lot "

Damn it seems a difficult situation...need to cancel all the plans I made earlier for this weekend.

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