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At the meeting hall

"Thank you everyone for coming here" I greeted everyone . I smiled a bit and said

First of all thanks to Emily for helping me in this case...well a real good drama the whole case was... Emotional ups and downs ... uncovering truths that were hidden under the desk ...right infront of our eyes, yet so tactically hidden. Ok sounds confusing right? ...I sat on the sofa gestured everyone to have a sip of their tea... So firstly let me say one thing clearly that my sister's case and this one is completely different by now we all have understood this right? Yes we all  have understood. So now we all have dark pasts right ...dark...darker...darkest, varies from man to man . Ain't it? So let's play a game let's uncover some dark secrets bout each other...

"Christine we are not here for your little games" one of my seniors shouted...

Sorry sir ...but if you please co-operate with us then it might help. He was about to say something but our head stoped him.

Yeah so where was I ...hmmm let's uncover some dark truth... Starting from myself...I have really dark past all of you know the max part but thats not the end I used to give my mom wrong medicine due to which she became paralysed at the end...I had my reasons though... everyone in the room gasped in horror. Next Mr . Aden what about you...
Mr. Aden spoke" umm...when I was 19 I impregnated a girl and forced her to abort the baby"... I chuckled and proceed towards  Emilly...she remained silent I was waiting for her to proceed...she spoke" I was jealous of my sister all the time when she was getting married to her love of the life I exposed her past to her love and her marriage was destroyed"... Pathetic I by one all the dark secrets were seeing the light of dawn. I stopped near Mrs. Watson... Beads of sweat gathered round her forehead. I passed her a glass of water , she was too nervous to hold it her hands were shaking... So Mrs. Watson what about you? Tears building up in the corner of her eyes. A drop rolling down from one of her eyes. She started with her heavy voice, " I had a son ... physically we can use he and emotionally we need to use she" a long pause " at first we couldn't understand we gave everything to him ...all our love...but at the age of the 9 or 10 his female charecteresticts were starting to show its colours ...I tried I tried hard to hide it, but at the end of the day I couldn't. One day my husband found out . He couldn't imagine his son like that. That night I pleaded ...I cried ...I shouted for help but no one listened ...he threw our son to the gate of hell...beaten up badly, tell me him being a transgender is it his choice ? Is that my choice? No right ... I remember he was yelling crying for help but being his mother I was helpless... beating him was not only the last thing he did ...he took our half dead son and I don't know where he left him... whether he's still alive or not? If alive what he's doing? How's he been? I know nothing " last words were hardly audible...she cried hard this time... I said softly ...only if both of you could handle the situation wisely then maybe many lives would have been safe by now. Mrs . Watson was shocked to hear that ...I can feel other eyes on me. I went to took some files ... Standing infront of Mr. Carlson I said so Mr. Henry wattson will you say everything now or I shall continue? Mrs. wattson's eyes shotted up towards me . "What's going on here" one of my mates said. Mr. Carlson stood up "why are you calling me Henry Christin" I rolled my eyes and said please drop the act Mr. Henry wattson. I took out some files and handed it to my seniors and continued apparently that night son of Mr and Mrs Watson was saved . Henry wattson was his name right Mrs Wattson? Mrs Watson nodded . So Henry wattson survived that night built with vengeance Henry wattson took a rebirth emotionally...his vengeance came over all the trans men . Constantly boiling with rage he survived for 9 years for a grand comeback. Due to the beating and all his face was almost deformed . At the age of 19 Henry wattson joined the famous underworld gang in Italy. Underwent through few surgeries. Stepping infront of Mr. Carlson I snatched the prosthetic skin from his forehead. But good lord all the scars are steal under the fake skin just like your insanity. Mrs Wattson couldn't take it anymore she broke down completely. I continued... Henry wattson took several hormonal injectables  and transformed into Mr. Adreak Carlson. Though he transformed into a male but what bout the rage he had? That never went Adreak Carlson was all ready with a moto of freeing all the trans men from the Bondage of being male. Now it comes to how I found out all this ...first of all it was like whenever we all were getting our GIFTS "the penis" Mr. Carlson was reaching to our locations a bit unusually faster than he should be. But fine it's not that big clue . Then that day at the success party when we were checking the cctv footages we saw a lady ...that was not a lady that was him I saw the Adams apple... And I was confirmed that my guesses are right at the night when we both spent time together...I saw all the women clothes and even that lady's cloth from the party and some makeup tools etc at first I thought it must be of his ex's or sisters but when I got to know he never had any girlfriends or sisters I was confirmed...

Sound of a gun shot ....

Mrs Watson shoted Mr. Carlson ... I definitely gave birt to a bastard she shouted...Mr carlson was shoted on his arm.  We immediately rushed him to the hospital. Mrs Watson was apparently in the custody .

Several years unsolved crime was finally seeing the light of justice...

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