6 3 0

"look,look carefully...that's Timmy and his partner. And look as soon as Timmy left the club Sara left too." I said. "So what?" Mr.Aden questioned. "Yeah, but there look at the opposite corner of the club . There there look" I pointed out . "That person with the mask and the cap on ...look" Everyone's eyes shifted to the direction i was pointing to. Mr.Carlson paused and zoom it . No it was pointless to do that . The person hid their identity well. In the next clip we saw that the person started following Timmy and Sara . "The hell" Mr. Carlson shouted in frustration. "The person is one step ahead of us ...look he/she entered the construction site but never left ...that means he/she used the back way to escape and such a luck for this killer...that the back area doesn't have cctv facility"... Said Mr. Carlson. All the hopes we had went to vain. "We have to start thinking again " Emilly said. "We are lacking time guys" Mr.Carlson said with a frown on his Forhead. We checked the Ellorona's cctv footage. Same thing happened. A person with their face hiden with a mask and cap followed the victim to the construction site and never left the place.

Days are passing by. One after another murder taking place 7th June,9th June, 11th June ,13th June ,15th June ...first in Pong market ,then Ellorona,then Thime hall ,then Edinburgh church ,then Repsaut port. And one by one our members recieving gifts ...I mean the penis. We all were hopeless. Nothing new, all same pattern more precisely all are exact pattern . On the other hand after Emilly, Aden, then Mickey,then Mollen ,then Pixie one after another recieving the penis exactly at 2.00 am. And one after another trans murder taking place. Our whole department was devasted. Our seniors continuously pressurizing us . We understand that they also don't have any choice, they have been threatened by the government.

16th June ; 00.25

Days are passing by and we can't do anything and THE WITCH .Yes we named this case as THE WITCH project has no progress. That bloody murderer or murderers whatever...just how fucking disgusting they are. A bloody psychopath. We have been allotted 3 more days orelse we will be royaly ruined. Oh God i don't want to loose my job which feeds me good...let me recapitulate 5th June murder of Timmy and Sara at PONG Market area ,7th June another couple at Ellorona area, 9th June another at Thime hall.....fuck ..


5th June      Timmy & Sara     Pong market
7th June       Lipan & Milli        Ellorona
9th June       Pat & Lilly            Thime hall
11th June Mark & Bety  EdinburghChurch
13th June       Paul &Suzy        Repsaut port  
15th June       Billy & Bella        Amdan street
17th June                 ?                          ?

Yes yes I can feel it . There's a pattern. I've to find it. First of all the murders are taking place in a gap of one day . Hence the killer is taking time to find spots and victims or may be only the spot . Now coming to names seeing the first or the last word of the names of the victims I can't figure out anything but wait yes yes yes yes if we take the first words of the places P from pong market , E from Ellorona, T from Thime hall, R from Repsaut port, A from Amdan street. Then....

P  E  T  E  R  A ....WHAT?  I was confused... no wait  yes it can be the name PETER and maybe A is the starting of the suname. After this thought came across my mind I was horrified by the second no no it can't be what I'm thinking. Many people have the name Peter and A can be the starting of any title. Adams,Amey ,Alpa and it can also be Abney ... I went to my late mother's room . Searched every inch of her room and finally"Found it" I exclaimed.  My hands were trembling, beads of sweat formed on my forehead...I dialled ...


"Hello ,Polly Abney speaking"....tons of different kinds of emotions flooded me.

"Hey Aunt Polly, It's me Christine"........

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