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I was unable to see anything as it was too dark there and I was unable to speak as a strong and firm hand covered my mouth. I started to free myself from the person's grip but it was useless cause he was way too strong . "Relax , I'm here to save you" the person spoke and I immediately knew who it was I know the voice the voice is quite well known. It's my stalker. I relaxed a bit. He took my hands and ordered to follow him . After few twists and turns I couldn't here footsteps anymore maybe I'm safe for the time being.

We sat on a bench in a park . I couldn't see his face on the whole time as it was covered by a mask. "I need to go to my home" ...."do you think it'll be safe?" He asked . I hung my head low . "Do you trust me?" He asked "that's why I included you in my mission " I replied." Let's go to my home". He simply suggested. I was too weak to speak , my physical and mental energy both drained out. He knelt down infront me and removed his mask. I'm sure he's surrounded by flock of ladies all the time. The features his face shows are just potraying the picture of ADONIS  the handsome man ever leaved in this world .

"Heyyy princess! it's not safe being here even if I'm with you"
"How could you possibly be my very own personal stalker" I laughed a laugh of sarcasm
"Why tho?" He asked
"I guess you are surrounded by ladies all the time...I mean LADIES you know with big boobs and booties " I laughed loudly this time on my own joke
"Then you'll be surprised to know Ms. Christine that I have none in my life not even my mom " agony was clear in his voice
"I'm sorry!"
He looked into my eyes and said "let's go" . He signaled me to ride on his back.

"Are you going to give me a piggy back ride?" Cocking my eyebrows I asked him

"Tiredness is dancing on your face, prolly your limbs are numb rn from the running why not" he's right .

" I weight 48 kg"

"I pick up more weight in the gym every morning"

I jumped on his back . On the way to his house he started to sing a song...a well known song to me...

" Let's free ourselves love
  Let's do all those little things you want
  Let's start dancing in the rain
  With your hands over my hands                         
  Let's dream a dewy dream
  With sparkle of hope all over it
  Let yourself be free
  Let me look through your soul
Don't hold so much pain in that Pacific Blue eyes of yours
Give me a chance
To show the bright side of the world to you
Give me a chance to bring down the world at your feet "

I didn't know when I dozzed off ...the last thing I remember he was singing.

In the morning:

"You ready Marko ?" I asked him
Yup more than anything else, so what's next "
"I've to call Emilly first" I dialled Emilly's number and let her know our whole plan...
" Thanks Marko for digging up a tons of case files for me"
"You are welcome princess"
I opened our official group...

Respected sirs,

                           I would like to summon an emergency meeting at 6.00 pm regarding the on going case and I want each and every member to be present in the meeting hall we really need to discuss something very important



SENT and done.

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