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I cut the call...tons of important topics with some emotional back stories were discussed between us. I went to bed . I am going to bed knowing this that someone in our group will again recieve a gift today. But let me focused on the couple murder mystery first and I'm quite sure that both murder mysteries are different stories.

MORNING 7.00 am

I wore a decent dress today...I will not be heading straight towards the office today . We have 2 days left , but according to my calculations,I'm damn sure today a murder is going to take place. I don't have much time in my hands. After 1 hour journey I reached my destination. My Father's house. So many memories both good and bad are here. We were actually a family of four me,mom,dad and my sister who were a little older than. When mom was alive I never missed then especially my dad . But how much bad my memories be with my dad after my mom died I missed him , I missed his presence. I became nostalgic. Without wasting much time I went towards the door and luckily he still lives here. I sighed in relief

Ding dong

After waiting for a while , a man in his 60's opened the door. I can't even describe what I was feeling that time . "Dad" . I said with tears flowing from my eyes . I know he's not a good person, I don't know whether he changed himself in these days or not. He can do anything to me. But stil he is my dad and when I'm seeing him in his 60's, all worned out, lonely and physically unhealthyit was a miserable sight for me. Though he deserved it. He didn't said anything and let me enter the house. The house remained as it was when me and my mom left the house. He offered me a seat . And went towards the kitchen to may be bring some water or whatever. Look how I'm the guest of my own house . "No Christine,no , you don't have the time to be emotional" I said to myself . My dad came with a glass of water . "Where's sister dad?" I asked . He remained silent. "Dad!" Suddenly he burst into tears .

Dad: " Christine I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry about what I did to you, your mother and ...and your sister. I'm such a ridiculous person" dad started to sob continuously.
I huged him. "I forgave you dad a long time back . And honestly mom didn't let me see things for a much longer time . But ... But I wish you were a bit early to say this to mom by yourself ..." He looked at me with terror in his eyes ..." She is no more with us" he broke down more .

Flash back...

"Mom what happened to dad , why is he behaving like a monster mom."

Christine's mom: He's not a monster dear, he's your dad.

"No teacher said those who beat people they are monsters "

Christine's mom huged her , though she want to shout and tell everyone that her husband is really a monster . An alcoholic person who after drinking like hell loves to torture his wife and daughters .

Thud, thud ... Christine's mom and Christine heard a slamming sound.

Christine's mom: "look baby donot come out of the bathroom untill mommy says . Okay?"

"Okay mommy"

She left her in the bathroom. She went to the hall room. The scene she saw there , she bacame terrified . Her husband slamming their elder daughter's head on the wall. She somehow managed to reach in them and pushed her husband back . Christine's sister was brutally injured blood oozing out from her head one hand twisted and several other injuries on her whole body . Christine's dad started to come towards them. Christine's mom somehow managed to get hold of a flower vase and banged it on his head. He was unconscious for then . She then took her elder daughter towards her room dressed her fresh wounds , stitched the ones that needed special attention.

That night she took Christine with her and left the house , She was a mom of both Christine and her sister , her heart ached like hell but if she couldn't have escaped that day leaving Christine's sister there then maybe Christine would have met with the same fate as of he sister. If Christine's sister was atleast able to walk then she would have tried to take her with them.

That night before leaving Mrs.Abney kissed her elder daughter's forehead "pls take care of your dad and if you can pls make him the person I used to love" she gave a huge duty to the shoulders of a 16 years old girl.

Flash back ends.

I calmed him down . Then again asked about my sister. "Mimi left me a long time ago" "where is she now?" I asked "I don't know" "didn't you try to reach her" he said that he tried Every way to cantact her but he wasn't able to find her whereabouts.I listened to him , his everybit of confession. " Please free me Christine, free me from this guilt ,punish me " he said while crying like a lost child. I told him that I'm no one to punish him if he did something brutally wrong Edinburgh's law system is too strong he'll definitely recieve his punishment.

I left from there and headed directly towards my office. I was late . But i don't care much . I have to save the couple.

I headed straight towards my cabin . Mr. Carlson was already there to give me a good lecture on discipline. "Hey hey Mr. Carlson not today . I'm late because I was doing some research on the case only...and if I'm not too wrong today one couple murder will take place and if we take help of the police department we may stop the murder on top of that we can also know who the psychopath is?" Mr. Carlson was taken a back . "You trust me right sir?" His gaze shifted to my gaze . He nodded a bit ... I explained the pattern in which the murders are taking place . " Everyone look ...from the above places we are getting the name - PETER and A for the starting of the surname cz PETERA can never be a name " everyone nodded. " Guys the next thing I'm going to tell...have faith on me and pls give me a chance to prove my self...don't ask me any question I can't answer " I lowered my head a bit . "We agree Christine" said Mr. Carlson. "So according to my theory today  from 00.00 to any time after that the murder is going to take place at a place which has the starting letter B" everyone was so confused. "BELIEVE ME GUYS" I don't have any proper reason for my statements just my this gut feeling continuously telling me that I'm in a right way. "Ok but there many places in Edinburgh that starts with B" said Mrs Watson. "Yes but not too many places which have a club nearby and a constructing site with poor cctv facility " I said. I can feel that Mr. Carlson was quite impressed. We started to locate places that's fulfilling our criterias . And finally we got all of them . Total 6 places in all . So we all splited up into groups me and Mr. Carlson will be there in the first place of the list ,Mrs Watson and Mr . Aden on the other, Emilly and Mickey on the another and that's how we splited up into teams. Mr. Carlson already aided help from the police department. They will be sending there men with us. "Are you guys ready?" Mr. Carlson said . We all said YESSSSS together.

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