4 3 2

Me and Mr. Carlson waiting in a dark corner of the top floor of the constructing building. As planed earlier other members are are at other 5 places . The police team will depart near the area at any time. We waited patiently. At dot 00.00 we saw two couples entered the building."Fuck. I was damn right, " I thought."Finally, end of THE WITCH I guess" Mr. Carlson said. "Shhhhh" I hushed Mr. Carlson.

A few moments later the couple's started to undress..."Do we really need to see this?" Asked the hot and handsome young detective. "As if you haven't watched porn in your whole life time" ok now that sounded like emotional damage. Ahhhh my stupid mouth. "I'm sorry" I apologised. We both were alert ...we were prepared that anything can happen at any moment.

Slowly minutes are passing by. "Did the culprit knew our plan?" I thought by myself. And just after a few sec I noticed someone entering. "Mr. Carlson ...look ,she entered".... He shifted his gaze towards the person all masked up . We saw the person went near to the couple . "Why inspector is not here?" Mr. Carlson murmured . We are still not visible to her. She slowly took the knife and started opening her dress . She was only on her lacy bra and panties now. "whattttt...female?" Mr. Carlson asked . "I know " I answered.

"I'll explain you later"

Then she said "May I join you two?" "Fuck where's the I have to watch now threesome? Ridiculous " Mr. Carlson said in annoyance. After few minutes it was going harsh and now she is turning into a maniac slowly. She started laughing"ohhhh my gawdddd...ahhhhhh sooo good" then she grabbed the boy's hair and started to slam it.

"Mr. Carlson where is the police?"

"They informed that there van met an accident and hence they will be late still that are trying to contact us as early as possible "

"I need to go "...and before Mr. Carlson could say any further she went straight towards the psycho....


"MIMI" Christine called her. The female looked up  with her red eyes...she slowly stood up leaving the half dead couples ...

"Ohhhhhhh myyyyyy god ...look whose here, it's your lovely sister Christine" the psycho said ... Christine slowly started to move towards her...."Mimi I know you went through a lot...Mom was so sorry and while she was on her death bed breathing her last breaths she constatly kept uttering your name"...she was dangerously neer to the psycho... "Oh really?" And then suddenly the psycho wraped her arms around Christine's neck and put a knife on her neck ...It was enough for me . I immediately went out from the corner and ran towards her..."holly shit Christine you got a handsome boyfriend huh" said the psycho.

"Listen pls  let her go ...the police is out of this building you will not be able to escape" I warned her....

"Hahahahahah" she was laughing so loudly..."Do you think I care?" She said ..."listen I can give you a chance ...If you knock your head loudly thrice on the wall then I can think of letting her go" she offered me. Without thinking twice I started to knock my head ,it's hurting as hell but the pain is nothing compared to the pain I'll face if I loose Christine. "Mr. Carlson pls stop" Christine cried out loudly. "Shut up bitch...This is nothing compared to the pain I faced... You and mom left me with that rapper ... Such bitches you were . Leaving me you two enjoyed your lives to the fullest. While you two were enjoying. Dad continuously rapped me. At a time I was even paralysed but that never left a single day . He raped me in that situation only. Such a libido maniac ..." The psycho stoped . "Oh handsome guy this was my first test to check your Love towards my second test is to look there's a big nail and a hammer if you can nail your testicles then I'll leave you and siso both " "Mimi pls leave him do whatever you want to do with me " Christine said . I without wasting time went and gram the hammer and the nail and was going to unzip my pants suddenly someone banged that devil's head . She stumble upon her feet. Groaning in pain ...she fell on the ground. She became unconscious. I hurriedly went towards Christine and hugged her". She was a crying mess. And the person who banged her head was none other than the lad's girl friend.

End of Mr. Carlson's POV.

The police came by this time and took over the situation.

Christine and Mr. Carlson both were admitted to the hospital.

Few days later at the office....

At Mr. Carlson's room.

"Christine will you now pls explain everything" . Said Mr. Carlson.

Mimi is actually my my elder sister. We were a family of 4 . Me, mom, sister and dad. My dad was an abusive person. He used to abuse my mom day and night . I was very young at that time. He even used to beat me sometimes . Oneday he reached the limit and that they he beat up mom and sister to death. That day my mom decided to leave the house but sister's health was too bad she was not even able to stand up . That's why she had to leave her and took me with her, orelse everyone would have died.
"But how did you know that the killer is your sister" asked Emily.

"What's my title Emily?"

"Abney" she said. My dad's name is Peter. Remember the pattern i told you all. The surname starts with A . That day I was late . Remember y'all ? I actually went to dad. Tbh I was not sure ...So I needed to confirm...and i was lucky as well as unlucky bot at same time". I paused for a moment. "When I heard everything from dad i was quite confirm that it's none other than my sister . So I knew that the next place name will start with B". And the rest you all know.

Emily huged me tightly. "Btw yesterday did any one recieved the gift?" Mr. Aden asked . We all looked at eachother. "Only Mr. Carlson is left to recieve one" Emily said.

"Maybe she was only doing this...who knows " ...Mr. Carlson concluded. "uhhhh guys I've a news we all are invited to a party tonight in the grand be ready" Mr. Carlson informed us .... "Yaaassss" Emily squealed in joy.....


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