8 3 0

Very carefully I took the box with me and placed my ears on to the box to check if it's something dangerous. No , no ticking sound or anything is there . Feeling a bit safe i proceded to open the wrapper of the box. A cute note was there above the box.


I thought it might be my crazy ass stalker ...I smiled a bit before opening the box , but as soon as I opened the box the smile changed to a horrific express... expression of "THE FEAR" . I threw away the box immediately. The sight infront of me is the pure description of ghastliness . My whole body was becoming numb , my hands were trembling terribly. Somehow I reached towards my phone and dialled my boss's number .

Mr. Carlson's POV

Suddenly my phone started to buzz. I picked up my phone with half sleeping eyes and heard Christine crying terribly. I sat up on my bed and told her to calm down and that I'll be there as early as possible. I got out of my bed and took my car keys. She couldn't tell much bout what happened. I rushed my car towards her house . When I reached near her house the lane infront of her house was feeling like a long 1200 Mt marathon run . I run towards her gate and called her to open the gate . She opened the door . And huged me like her life was depending on me.

End of Mr. Carlson's POV

As soon as I got the call from Mr. Carlson I wasted no more seconds and hurriedly went downstairs and opened the door. Seeing him I felt so relaxed that I hugged him without thinking twice. He hugged me back and started to pat my head to cool me down. After a few moments when I calmed down I realised what I did and backed of a bit. We headed towards my room.

"What! A male penis,that too with a note to my beloved " Mr. Carlson said. I remained silent. "Do you have any idea who can sent you this or something " he asked me . I nodded my head as a no . He again looked carefully towards the penis inside the gift box which was wrapped in a zip up bag . "I'm taking this with me .I'll be sending it to forensic department on my way towards home " I was about to ask him to stay but for some reason i couldn't say it. He assured me for one last time , I was a lot good by now and accustomed myself with the environment. I bid him goodnight and went to my room and tried to sleep though I couldn't

Next morning


I woke up from the sound of my notification. It's a text from my boss.

"If you are taking leave for today then go ahead I'll not resist you but if you are coming today then straight head towards my office "

He cut the call . I freshen up . And started preparing myself . Made my breakfast and lunch and headed towards the parking area . I started my car with an excitement rushing through my whole body. Within 30 min i reached the office and as Mr. Carlson said I straight went into his cabin .

"Good morning , sir" I wished him . I saw a terrified Mr.Carlson but i still don't know what's the matter ."All the reports have came but the forensic report of the penis is the thing which making me think from the very beginning" said Mr. Carlson. I told" why what's wrong with it?" He gave me a paper . The words written infront me ,made me confused too.

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