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The report says that it's the genital part of a trans gender .... Whattttt. My mind rotated to 180° now. I had so many questions now. Is this incident linked? Where's the body? What's the motive? Is this murder and the previous couple murder are done by the same person? I looked at Mr. Carlson, he was already looking at me ."Let's go to the meeting room now and keep your mouth shut bout this incedent , we didn't got the body and the case yet so let's focus on the couple's murder case" he said. We headed towards the meeting room. I took my seat beside Mrs. Karna Watson our eldest member of the team. Mr. Carlson started to discuss everything related to the couple's murder case.

"Guys now we are having those two victim's identity, location and both of their call list and text list . The lad's name is Timmy Grin and the lady is named Sara Kim . Timmy and Sara both were livin partner and they were living in the 17/10 A appartment located near the Misqot river. No extra clues or fingerprints were there . And yeah the last text on their phone were from each other's phone and obviousely it said them to meet at building of the Pong market . We still don't have enough information. " Said Mr. Carlson
We all sighed .Mr. Carlson continued " But Emilly we got special permission to take both the phones in our custody and I'm giving you a opportunity to prove yourself. Unlock every profiles and apps and check if you can get some clue" Emilly nodded enthusiastically. Suddenly Mr. Carlson's phone started to buzz. He left the meeting room. We were discussing what to do next and suddenly Mr. Carlson budged into the room and ordered " Hurry up guys we need to visit another crime scene" we all were shocked to hear that from Mr. Carlson but somehow managed us and headed towards the crime spot. We reached to the crime spot and then headed directly towards the crime scene. At the first sight we couldn't find something horrific. It seemed like a beautiful lady got murdered, until officer Morgan  told us the whole matter  - "It's a trans  and the penis is cut out with a cutting plier or something else . Fun fact is that the penis is nowhere to be found. And we are suspecting that the penis you sent to forensic lab belongs to this person. And more things you should know that the eyes are glued and this person was dolled as a woman cz we found the clothes he were wearing besid the body" . At this point we all were so confused like literally what the hell is happening?

We returned to the office. But strange this time Mr. Carlson didn't summoned a meeting. "Christine you need to explain everything" said Emilly. I remained silent. "Christine !?!" Emilly shouted a little. I broke down this time. Mrs Watson immediately came to me and tried to calm me down. After a whole emotional breakdown session i was finally ready give then an "Explanation" . I described everything in short to them. Suddenly Emilly shouted at me..." Why you? I guess you are only the root cause of this murder or who knows you are the murderer , acting all innocent and the victim". "Shut up Emilly " Mrs. Watson shouted. She continued " do you even have any proof for your aligation ? Don't utter nonsense here Emilly,if you can't say something fruitful then just keep your mouth shut. That's better " I was relieved that Mrs.Watson stood up for me orelse i didn't have the energy left to argue with Emilly today . The went away . Nothing much happened .

7th June ; 00.24am

Didn't imagine my life will be this mess. After mom left dad and sister and took me with her our days never went smooth . And after my mom passed away not a single day was happy for me. When I got this job i was on the 9th cloud , thought that finally brighter days will come in my life , but never in my nightmare too i didn't thought my life will be this miserable.If only I could have taken a break for a while . All events are too much for a newbie. Another new case or may be a linked case we have no clue has came to us . I'm briefly explaining it . A trans   person has been royaly killed ,his penis was detached from his body and he was dolled up like an woman . And the fun fact is i recieved a gift at 2.00 am in the morning and the gift was nothing but a detached penis of a trans man . Forensic don't have to confirm that the penis belong to the same trans man who was murdered... I know that too well. But still I'm hoping that this penis belongs to some different person.

I was too tired to continue writing. I went to my bed and no sooner had I gone to my bed i dozzed off. I woke with my phone's vibrating  sound. " Who can be at this hour?...though nothing is unexpected for me now" i thought to myself. I checked out my phone. "Emilly?"

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