Who was there ??

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"What the hell" I screamed a little and saw my boss infront of me . I settled a little and asked him "why did you pulled me back?". Silence. "Hey !" I was a bit concerned now.

Mr.Carlson : " Don't ask me anything I can't say anything to you"
Christine: "what? What do you mean"
Mr. Carlson: " Do you live alone?"
Christine: "yeah"
Mr. Carlson : "I'm driving you home tonight. And listen"
He paused a bit and started to take small steps towards me . I freezed on my spot already digesting everything that happed just now and now my handsome boss coming towards me. My mind continuously telling me to take step backward but I lost my mobiliti . By now he was dangerously closs to me . "Holy shit ...what the hell is happening" my mind uttered. He was now inches apart from my face ." If you feel something off or any kind of danger after reaching your home don't hesitate to call me... whether it's 2.00 am or 3.00 am , I fucking don't care" Said Mr.Carlson. His firm ,deep and confident voice did a huge magic on me. I nodded my head on his words. He backed a bit . "What are you doing to me Mr . Carlson " I thought to myself. I'm damn sure the intense moment we shared just a while ago ...I'm going to remember it for next 6 months atleast.

Mr. Carlson POV

I was leaving my cabin when I felt someone's presence in the dark corridor infront . I halted for a moment. Nothing happened so I shrugged and thought that might be in stressed. And started to walk . But then I saw someone moved away in the dark .I was about to pull out my gun but hell it was not there. I shifted to my cabin slowly. Everywhere it was sooo dark . Suddenly I heard footsteps no it was the sound of heels, and the smell of the perfume...oh shit ...it's Christine. As the sound of the heels started to approach towards my cabin I got ready and when the sound of her heels was clear enough I got out and pulled her into my cabin .

End of Mr. Carlson's POV

As I was about to get out of his cabin Mr Carlson told me to hold up for moment and that we will be taking the secret way of out of the office which is connected with his room .As I was not allowed to ask any question was chose silence over my curiosity. While leaving I noticed a sticky note was stuck on Mr. Carlson's table . I called him out and showed him the note. It said


I thought to myself " sounds kinda kinky. Is it some kind of threat or its his personal note?" But his face saying something else. He was terrified. Horror was clearly portrayed in his face. I asked him "Sir , is this somekind of threat?" He said "The killer is getting on my nerves now" .

Mr . Carlson checked everywhere properly and we left from the office and headed towards the parking lot. I was about sit in the back seat when he said with a cold tone " I'm not your Uber " . I was even ashamed to say a sorry. I hurriedly came to the front seat and set myself there. The whole ride was silent. After a 25 min ride we were there infront of my house. We bid good bye to eachother...he said again" lock the doors and windows properly and if you feel unsafe call me immediately" . I nodded and went inside my house .

6th June , 00.54

I finally joined a big case today. But it's really big rather to say gruesome. When I joined this field i knew I have see disgusting things ,face horrific situations and so on and so forth . But thinking something and actually facing it ...both are like hell and heaven difference. I'm briefing the case . It's a murder case where we found two bodies one is of male another of female. But the fun fact is we don't know there identity and they were brutally killed . All we got was a lipstick mark on the females stomach . This was all about the case. But what the hell is wrong with Mr. Carlson. Fuck this man is doing so many things to me. Whenever he is around me i feel something in my stomach. Hell am I falling for this rude man? Umm not really rude he is concerned bout his colleagues too. Is he really concerned bout all his colleagues or its just me . No it's not the time to think bout this things. I need to sleep now so that I can focus on the case tomorrow

I closed my diary and was going to my bed when I remembered "ain't something off today" ...yes my stalker didn't call or texted me the whole day...wow now that's something new though . I went to bed without thinking much bout my stalker.

I guess it was arround 2.00 am I suddenly heard my door bell ringing. What the fuck. Who can be at this hour... I thought. A cold rush of blood run through my spines. With a lot of courage i went towards my window but couldn't find anyone. Slowly i went downstairs. And i was taking very cautious steps towards my door and cautiously I opened the door . There's none . What . I thought to myself and look left and right but none was there . And then my eyes went to the box near the doorsteps ....

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