"Yes I am new here and who is that Velskud guy you are talking about? Is that a nice way to treat a visitor to your world?" I asked him lifting an eyebrow but he just hissed and grabbed his flail and shield for a fighting position.

"Dont give me that act." He growled but I didn't bother to fight back. He stared at me in daggers until someone called our attention. I saw a lady with a weird looking costume. She has a staff and some crystal ball at her back.

"Bernael! What are you doing this time?" The lady scolded the guy infront of me. He scratched his head and withdraw his weapons. The woman looked at me with an apologetic face.

"Im sorry for his accusations Sir. He is just too over protective for our city." She explained but I shrugged it off


"Dont but but me mister! He doesn't seem to be bad!" She said and they both looked at me

"Hi! Im Misha! And this is Bernael! My fiancee!" She chirped so I nodded as a greeting

"Im Vanitas."

"So Vanitas.. Where you from?" Bernael asked me crossing his arms

"From another world." I answered which earns me a snort from Bernael.

"Yeah right.. Very funny."

"Im serious. I came to your world coz I've been looking for someone. But I guess this is not the right world." I said disappointingly

"So you're an alien?" Misha asked shocked so I cringed and shook my head

"No.. Err.. It's kinda hard to explain you see there are other worlds besides yours. I travelled to search for my kidnapped girlfriend." I explained so their eyes widened again in surprise

"What the fvck?!" Bernael blurted out which earns him a slap in the shoulders from Misha

"What happened to her?" She asked in sympathy

"Kidnapped." I simply answered

"Oh I hope you'll find her soon."

"I hope so."

"Anyway! Let me introduce to you our world!" Misha exclaimed clapping her hands. I was about to protest but then Bernael agreed and forced me to come with them


"You see Vanitas, in our world. We have these dungeons and nests for hunting rare items and sell them in the trading house. We all have different types of class or jobs. We enhance our items and craft our own items to make it stronger which is a very hard work." Misha explained as she shows me their weapons and some portals of dungeons and nests.

"Anyway, my class is an Elestra where I use ice magic while Bernael here is a crusader." I nod my head at the information Im receiving. I got to admit, their world is interesting.

"Our place is called Lagendia. That city where we first met is Saint Havens. There are also other villages here!" Misha chirped and continue to tell me about the story of their city. Bernael just stand there staring at his fiance amused.


After a few hours of walking and talking. I finally said my goodbye to them. Nothing much is going on there since their world is not affected by some heartless, nobodies or unverse. Besides, why would I search here if I already know the place where Xion is?

I drived my way back to our world but then again I cursed when I think of a place on where to park my gummi ship. I went back to Traverse Town and let it stay there for a while. Ofcourse, I left it at Cid's place..

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now