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Leaving the plane, I felt an enormous amount of guilt. I cheated.. I cheated on Carlos with Charles. I figured Charles wouldn't bring it up so maybe we could just forget it happened and I can go back to Carlos with him not knowing ever.

Fans screamed as they saw Charles and took 1000 pictures all at once. As I walked past I saw this young girl crying while trying to get to the front of the barrier but was pushed over by other fans trying to see him. She was wearing what looked like a homemade ferrari hat.

It was a red hat with a paper ferrari logo stapled on. I knew that she'd be grateful to meet Charles so I did what any person would do. I told people to make space and asked her dad if I could lift her over the barrier to meet him.

"Do you two speak English or only عربي?" I said kneeling down to her.

"We speak English as well! I'm Ali and this is Aaliyah. Are you sure it's okay?" The man asked.

"Of course also how about we give you an official Ferrari hat?" I say reaching into my bag and swapped her hat with the Ferrari hat Carlos gave to me.

The little girl said nothing and hugged me. She held my hand as I walked over to Charles.

"Charles this is Aaliyah, she's a big fan and would love an autograph." I said introducing her.

"Yes of course! Want me to sign your hat?" Charles asked kneeling down to face her.

She nodded her head still holding onto my hand. Her father took photos of the moment while Charles signed it. After he signed it, he hugged her and her father asked if I could take a photo of them which I agreed to.

I walked them back over to were they were and got them back over the barriers.

"Thank you, she won't forget this Miss Gasly" her father said shaking my hand.

I walked back over to Charles who was just about to open his rented Ferrari car door.

I looked around to see if maybe Carlos had ordered a car or something at the least. As I was about to get my phone to Google a taxi, Charles rolled his eyes.

"Come on get in little gasly" He huffed opening the passenger door for me.

I looked around for a second and smiled then got into the car and scanned the quality.

"I can't believe the bastard didn't even make sure you had a car. I'll
kill him when I see him." Charles muttered.

"Char don't worry it's fine! It's my Fault for not checking and doing it myself.." I reply smiling.

I look down at the road and see there's no phone connected so I quickly set up my phone and start to play 'Rock your body by Justin timberlake'. I turn the speakers up to max and sing my heart out

'So you grab your girls
And you grab a couple more
And you all come meet me
In the middle of the floor
Said the air is thick, it's smellin' right
So you pass to the left and you sail to the right'

I look at Charles as he looks at me and laughs to himself. I continue singing until we reach the hotel.

Charles gets out first and opens my door for me and I walk to the reception.

"Hello can I have my room key please? The room should be under Sainz?" I ask the receptionist.

"I'm sure it's a mistake but that room seems to be a single and we can't give you a key without mr Sainz present." She responds.

"How many Gasly rooms do you have?" I ask.

"Just the one for Mr Pierre Gasly. Sorry ms." She apologised.

"It's fine how much is a room?" I say getting out my card when Charles places his hand over mine and nods.

"I'll cover it Chloe, Could you just charge it to my card? Also make sure it's on the same floor as me." Charles Spoke up. I tried to get a cash purse out and he stops me.

The receptionist has me the key and me and Charles make our way up. I turn to look at him and before I knew it, he smashed his lips onto mine. As he wrapped his arms around my waist, I ran my fingers through his hair.

We quickly stepped away from each other as the doors opened on a lower floor. I looked at leclerc almost laughing at his messy hair and he pointed at the side of his lip showing my lipstick smudge.

We both get out of the elevator and start to laugh before looking at each other for a second.

"I missed this amour.." Charles said smiling showing his gorgeous dimples.

"Yeah me too" I said smiling back.

We walked towards our rooms and discovered that I was in the room next to him. As we opened our doors, we departed from each other. I looked at the room and saw how huge it was.

I looked at my phone to see 13 missed calls from Carlos. I didn't want to speak to him. I was so angry with him. Promising me all this stuff and not bothering to turn up.

After unpacking, I got ready for bed and after finishing an episode of desperate housewives. I'm addicted to it.


The next morning, I woke up to shouting in the hallway. I opened the door and slightly poked my head out to see Carlos and Charles arguing.

"You have some nerve to try to knock on her door after leaving her stranded?! How idiotic are you?! Leaving her alone in a foreign country! Imagine if I didn't turn up! She'd still be at the fucking airport!" Charles shouts in Carlos' face. His eyes filled with rage.

"What happened to you hating her?! Now suddenly you care so much?" Carlos shouts back.

"I still hate her but she's Pierre's sister! Don't you dare bother trying to speak to her today." Charles scoffs pointing his finger at Carlos still mad.

God Charles is attractive when he's mad..

I watch in shock and see Carlos look over and see me. I quickly went back into my room as I saw him try to walk towards me. Charles is quick to stop him putting one arm out stopping him passing.


Hi guys! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I kept seeing that one photo of Charles today and I couldn't help but write him being mad.. Could Chloe and Charles become more obvious??

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Bye guys - Olivia

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