Part One

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~BackStory~ (no one's POV)

Growing up Chloe and Pierre were extremely close. They had that perfect brother and sister bond. You could even say like twins. They liked the same stuff and were only a few years age difference.

Their parents loved themequally and we spend years wondering who's actually their favourite. They both decided that it wasn't either of us and more that they would never choose. Their family had a long line of karting and obviously wanted Pierre to use the family's genes.

Pierre would go karting all the time with their father while Chloé and their mother rather would be reading and having their own hobby. Even though Chloé found a love for English she still adored the racing atmosphere.

While Pierre was practicing and entering new competitions he met many different people including Charles leclerc. He was 2 years younger than Pierre and had the same passion for racing. Growing up the two families would spend a lot of time together and Charles always treated Chloé like that little sister who he was protective of. Even later on Charles would always be protective.

It was really early one morning and there was a competition that would help Pierre's get the registration he deserved. When the alarm went off Chloé jumped out of bed ready to start. I was ready to be supportive and wanted to be the first at the Track. She quickly threw on my trainers and got onto her bike. She was about to leave when she turned around and saw her mother looking at her.

"Jeune fille, où pourriez-vous aller à cette heure matinale?"
"Young lady, where might you be going at this early hour?"

"Désolé maman, je descends sur la piste un peu plus tôt !"
"Sorry mother I'm heading down to the track a little early!"

After waving her mother goodbye she raced down to the track. She loved the atmosphere. Every single race was a new experience. A few years past and Pierre got the chance to be a F1 Driver. The whole family was proud. While Pierre was focused on Racing, Chloé found her love in journalism and got signed up for many companies asking her to cover formula one gossip and insights.

Being a Gasly helped her a lot as she already had access to everywhere. Over the years she had traveled to London for university and fell in love with London.

She soon met her best friend Nicola who's a popular model in Italy who spend her time shopping and having fun partying. Chloé saw Nicola as her opposite which was a good thing as Nicola helped her social life and knew exactly how to have fun.

Nicola also helped Chloé with male advice. Chloé had only been in one serious relationship that her brother did not approve off. That serious relationship was with Max Verstappen. Pierre didn't hate max but saw him as a rival. Chloé knew the only reason he hated max was because Charles wasn't a fan of him.

Chloé didn't mind and max treated her well and they both understood each other. That all changed when Max lost his temper and threw a glass that nearly hit Chloé and changed her mind very quick about how she saw max.

-FLASH BACK (kinda)-

"Max just talk it out.. I'll make you whatever you want just relax?" Chloe spoke softly watch max's eyes feel with rage after loosing a race.

"You don't understand Schat.." max spat while rolled his eyes pouring himself some whiskey.

"Well then tell me and for god sake stop pity drinking it's not good for you!" Chloé suddenly shouts watching max pour himself yet another glass.

"Don't tell me what to do in my own house." Max shouts throwing the glass against the wall. A small shard scraped Chloé's face cutting it slightly. Chloé lifted her hand onto the cut to see blood on her finger. "Shit.. Schat I- I didn't mean to.." Max's voice softens seeing what he's done.

Chloé holds back her tears and runs into their bedroom and picks up her phone. She called Pierre no answer. She then calls Charles. If Pierre doesn't pick up then Charles always does. Or that's what normally happens. The phone goes to voicemail. She called again and again no answer.

"Schat.. I'm sorry I lost it just please unlock the door." Max muttered on the other side of the door.

"I'm going to stay somewhere else tonight. Just while you take a break and calm.." Chloé says fighting back tears. She unlocks the door and max quickly hugs her. He starts apologising like crazy then stops and looks at her phone. Charles is calling

"Why is he calling?" Max says changing his tone of voice and rolling his eyes. "Just ignore it.. I'm going to go stay at my brothers for a few nights.. I don't know if I want to be around you right now." Chloé said looking deeply into maxs eyes.

Chloé picks up her phone as hears Charles in a nightclub. As soon as she opens her mouth no words followed and tears poured down her face. Charles went outside hearing her cry.

"Stay right there I'm coming amore." Charles raises his voice worried about her.

Chloé let's outs a sigh of relief and quietly walked out of the apartment without max knowing.

Her and max only bought the apartment a few weeks ago and she already regretted it. Charles quickly drove well over the speed limits and came rushing over in his very obvious Ferrari 488. He saw her waiting in the lobby and immediately wrapped his arms around her. She cried into his chest.

"Your never leaving my side again" Charles whispered into her ear. She nodded in agreement.

Soon after that Chloé realised max wasn't the one and they split paths not long after the incident. Max blamed himself and regretted everything even though Chloé forgave him.

She understood his anger but she couldn't understand and also deal with it. The two remained friends and forgotten and forgiven.

This was one of the many times Charles was there for her whenever she needed.

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