4 - the unexpected party

18 1 9

Bold - Dwarvish


Bilbo opens his door to find a bald, muscular, dwarf standing at his doorstep. He greets us with a small bow, "Dwalin, at your service." He said gruffly.

I bit back a grin as Bilbo let out a confused whimper. As he comes to his senses, Bilbo quickly ties his robe together and makes an effort to stand taller, but the confused look on his face still remains.

"Bilbo Baggins, at yours."

Dwalin steps inside without an invitation before stopping abruptly before me.

I bow slightly, mimicking their greetings, "Lyra Blackford, at your service Mister Dwalin."

Dwalin furrowed his brows at me.

"Sorry, do we know each other?" Bilbo asked with wide eyes at the dwarves' manners.

"No. Which way, laddie? Is it down here?"

"Is what down where?"

Dwalin takes off his cloak and throws it at me, I rolled my eyes at his poor manners before hanging it up.

"Supper. He said there'd be food and lots of it." Dwalin replied.

"He said? Who said?" Bilbo questioned

The dwarf strides down the hallway, as if it were his own. Bilbo stares after him, shocked.

"Lyra, who is he and what is he doing here?" Bilbo looked at me accusingly.

"Well, Bilbo, if you were listening, that's Dwalin. You will learn in due time what is going on my friend, try to keep your head okay?" I said, patting his shoulder before following the dwarf into the kitchen.


Dwalin sits in Bilbo's spot at the table, scarfing down the dinner Bilbo had made us. Bilbo and I watched him eat in disgust. Dwarves' manners truly were horrid.

Dwalin devoured all the flesh off the fish Bilbo had made. The dwarf then dropped the bones onto the plate, wiping his hands on his beard. Absolutely disgusting.

"Very good, this. Any more?" He barked out.

"What? Oh, yes." Bilbo said, taken aback.

Bilbo awkwardly brings over a plate of biscuits. He manages to swipe two off the plate, hiding them behind his back for him and I.

Dwalins grabs most of the biscuits and stuffs them in his mouth. I frowned as I watched him stuff his face.

"It's just that I wasn't expecting any company besides Lyra here." Bilbo started, just as another knock came from the door, leaving him to look at me with an alarmed expression.

"That'll be the door." Dwalin said bluntly.

"You go Bilbo, I'll stay with Mister Dwalin here." I said softly as Bilbo left hurriedly.

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