3 - hello

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Hobbits were such peculiar creatures, even so, one couldn't help but be fond of them. They were innocent and kind creatures who appreciated the small things in life. Hobbits enjoyed the comforts life brought, cozy homes, warm hearths, delicious food, and a love of things that grow.

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I walked through the winding paths of Hobbiton, and couldn't help the huge grin plastered across my face, it was everything I had dreamed of and more. How on earth could this be real? But, no dream would allow the amazing smells that guided me toward the marketplace in the center of town.

I sampled everything I could get my hands on, making small talk with townsfolk as I went. I felt their stares from every direction, I stuck out like a sore thumb. Although I was dressed quite ordinarily, it was only ordinary where I came from. Here it only led to everyone and their mother staring at me, though they tried to be secretive about it. I needed to change as soon as possible.

I had always been impatient, even as a child. But although impatient, I always had a plan. For everything. I was reprimanded for it constantly but I truly couldn't wait till the dwarves all got there. Sure, I wanted to make a grand entrance because why not? I couldn't fathom another minute without meeting the infamous Bilbo Baggins. So before I could even remember my plan, my feet were taking me towards the direction I assumed Bagend lay. And this time there was no plan.


I'm glad I decided to go in search of  Bilbo now,  I was already lost and trying to find this hobbit's house at night would've proven even more difficult. Eventually, I approached the freshly painted green door with a mark in the bottom right corner. I hope he liked me. I really hope he liked me. I gathered my courage and knocked softly on the door.

"Hello and good afternoon Miss!"

"Hello Mister Baggins!" I have smiled so often today my cheeks hurt. Bilbo was as cute as a button with his curly red hair.

"How may I help you?" He asked politely.

"Now Bilbo, don't be frightened but I'm a friend of Gandalf's." I said hesitantly.

He looked at me questioningly. The fear of being turned away had my mind running a million miles a minute and my mouth could hardly keep up. I started babbling before I even knew what was happening.

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