Should I?

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After having lunch, we all were sitting in Aaron's car to get home. He was talking to Daniel outside while we waited inside.
" Aaron, thank you so much for today. I really had a lot of fun."
" Yeah me too "
" No problem ladies."
He dropped us home , Jane got out of the car but I stayed.
" Aaron?"
" Yes?" He turned around looking at me at the back.
" I -- wait "
I hoped in the front, on the seat next to him.
" Aaron, I --" I hesitated. I didn't know how to ask him that. I wanted him to open up but how should I ask?
" What's wrong?"
" Do you want to talk about her? About Melisa?"
" What do you want to know?"
" I don't want to know anything about her. I want you to open up to me."
" Like how-- I have never."
" I know you never talked about it. That's why. I want to hear you."
" There is nothing to say."
" Aaron-- how did you feel , when she left you ?"
" Betrayed. It was like hurting, physically in my chest, like someone stabbed me in my heart."
I came closer to him, taking his hand in mine.
" Did she ran away with someone else or by her own?"
" I don't know, I didn't find out."
" Daniel told me that you started working a lot more "
" I did, because that was the only way to keep my mind off it. I hated going back home, so most of the time I used to stay at work. Then I bought a new place. "
" When I saw her in the court for the divorce, she said terrible things to end this marriage, and get as much as alimony she can."
" She -- that's so cruel of her. You Should have defended yourself, why didn't you?"
" I couldn't take it. I just saw a completely different person standing in front of me with a face of my girlfriend. I couldn't process that. I just gave her whatever she wanted and then she left. "
" Oh Aaron" I hugged him.
I let him feel safe in my arms. He snuggled on my shoulder. He stood like that for about a few minutes. I wanted him to take his time. He lifted his head and looked directly into my eyes. I don't know how, but I parted my lips. His blue eyes not even for a second moved away from mine. His breath were getting louder and so was mine. I could feel his perfume. I hands stayed still on his lap. His hands almost started reaching my hair.
In that moment, I thought we were about to kiss, but he maintained his distance.
" Nina, I guess you should go."
" Uhm yeah yeah ofcourse."
He nodded.
" Thank you for opening up to me."
He pressed his lips into a smile.
" And don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
" I know " he said, like he actually believed me.
" And if I ever crossed paths with that bitch, I will finish her."
Aaron laughed. God his laugh. I was happy that I was leaving him with a smile on his face.
I walked to my room thinking about him. Should I do something for him too? I should. Definitely.


Do I actually feel something for her or is it just an attraction? I don't know but Daniel seems to know everything. He thinks I should, but I am not sure. She just broke up with someone, why would she even think about me ? Can I trust her ? Can I trust love again? I couldn't do all of that again, I can't. But I want her to stay.
I kept waiting for her call , she hasn't called since our last meeting. Why she didn't call, is she okay? Is she crying again? Or worse what if she got together with that freak again ? What ? What is it ?

I hear my phone ringing, each an every atom in my body was wishing it was her.
But it was my freak, Daniel .
" Hey the man who likes Nina."
" Are you drunk?"
" No I am not. Did you ask her?"
" No. Actually- yesterday"
" Yesterday what?"
Pin drop silence between us. Daniel didn't say anything, he waited for me to continue.
" We had a moment, she was so close to me I wanted to - I wanted to ."
" You wanted to ?" Daniel asked me hoping that I answer what he wants to hear.
" I wanted to kiss her ."
" That's my man! Did you? How was it?"
" No"
" But why? Aaron why did you blow your Chance?"
" I shouldn't."
" Why?! You like her, you know that!"
" So?"
" So? You should tell her."
" I don't think so."
" God this man !" I can hear Daniel sighing.
" Wait , she is calling me , get lost. And don't drink much."
" Of course , now you will hang up on me---"

I am sorry Daniel , but I cut him off.
" Hey darling" I used the word she likes. She told me herself.
" Hi Aaron"
She didn't speak. Why?
" Anything wrong?"
" No , nothing."
" Then , anything else you want me to do ?"
" No I just called to -"
" Everything is alright? Why did you call? Any problem? Please tell me, should I come?" I was tensed.
" Aaron! Calm down , breathe darling."
Did she just say darling? To me? She did ? To me? I was blushing.
" Did you just say darling?"
" Why, I can't say that? "
" You can."
" let me speak."
" Okay go ahead."
" So, are you free today?"
" Yes I am. " I immediately answered.
" You are?"
" Yes"
" I wanted to thank you for your surprise. I had a great day after many depressing things happening. I loved it."
" Darling no need to thank me. I am happy that you loved it . "
She is so cute.
" So, I wanted to return this to you."
" No need , you don't have to do anything for me ."
" I want to and I will , you can't stop me ."
" Fine " I said laughing.
" Yeah! Come to the Majesty park by 5 pm. I will see you there."
" Alright "

She planned something for me. I couldn't believe my ears. She choose a garden ? I had questions. But I knew it was going to be something special planned. I rescheduled all the meeting and work I had for the evening. I was planning to bring her flowers, but I didn't know which flowers she liked. So I asked her friend Jane. I took her number yesterday , I knew I would need her for situations like these. I sent her a text. She said that Nina loves sunflowers.

So sunflowers it is! Good choice, sunflowers just like her vibrant and bright. I couldn't focus on my work. I kept thinking about the evening. I got off work early, I picked out a bunch of long stemmed sunflowers for her.

I reached home, took a shower, did my hair good, I put on my favourite perfume and I was nervous. Why was I nervous?
I wanted to see her as soon as possible. I took the sunflowers, my car keys and rush outside the door.
I didn't want to be late. I just wanted to surprise her with the flowers and see her happy face. Even if she doesn't want me or likes me , I want to see her
Happy, with or without me . I will make sure of that.

I started driving thinking about her all the way to the garden.
" Aaron where are you I can't see you."
" Where are you standing?"
" Near the entrance."
" Wait there. I will find you."
" I am wearing --"
" I don't need that darling, I can recognise you."
After almost a minute, I found her.
She was wearing a red crop top with a black faded jeans.
" Aaron" she was bouncing and hopping while coming towards me.
I like her this way.
" This is for you." I gave her sunflowers.
" And this is for you." She said while offering me roses.
How did she know I like roses? And why is she bringing me flowers? I am supposed to be the one doing it.
" You bought me roses? "
" Yes why not ?" She said.
I looked so surprised and puzzled at the same time. I don't think so I ever received flowers from someone.
"How did you know about the roses?"
"The same way you know about sunflowers." She smiled.
It was Daniel for sure at least he did one thing right at least.

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