Ugly Fights

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" Andrew -- he started making a fuss about me and Aaron, we are meeting and making things work for him. He doesn't understand." I told Jane everything.
Jane suggested that I talk it out to Andrew face to face. I knew that Andrew was now avoiding me. He always does that because he thinks that it will make me come to him more. And it works , every time.

I decided to meet somewhere else far away from Aaron's radar so that it doesn't give him a reason to fight with me. Again . I was positive about this meeting that things might work out, I think Andrew is just jealous and wants me to marry him sooner so maybe I have to understand him . I had to do a lot of convincing. He wasn't getting ready. But I made it , like always.

There had been no word from Aaron. I didn't know how his family was doing with what all happened yesterday. My mom and dad forced me to take a back foot from the fight , tried convincing me, but i was firm on it. I texted Aaron to know what was going on with him.

' heyy Aaron '
' Aaron? You there?'
He left me on seen both times. What is wrong with him now. God men are difficult.
' Aaron, reply.'
' Are you alive?'
Finally he did.
' What is it ?'
' How is your family doing? Like what happened? '
' nothing they won't go ahead now. '
' oh okay .'
' don't message me now.'
Why is he talking like that to me ?
' did I do anything wrong?' I asked him.
No reply.
' Aaron?'
Still no reply. I left it there, I had to get ready.

I wore a yellow dress this time, Andrew likes yellow and left my hair open .
I was early this time . I waited inside for him to arrive. This restaurant had a very cool vibe , kind off funky vibe so I was sure that this isn't Aaron's.
" Ma'am would you like to order?" The waiter asked.
" Actually no I am waiting for someone."
He still wasn't there , I was waiting for almost 30 minutes.
Finally, he came .
" Andrew, I been waiting for you for so long."
" Atleast now you know how it feels to wait."
" Andrew!"
" What happened Nina? Was Aaron not available today?"
" Andrew please. Stop that . This the actual reason I called you here."
" What stop ,Nina I was waiting outside your house for you, to apologise and you were out having fun with your former husband."
" I thought we were over it. "
" No we are not "
" You should have told me , I would have cancelled. I didn't know you were waiting, or I would have never went. "
" Don't give me reasons."
" I am sorry Andrew , please "
" Lets leave this aside. Tell me when should I come home to meet your parents?"
" Actually yes, very soon you can come tomorrow, Me and Aaron made it yesterday--- " I fumbled. I could see his angry face and I was even too afraid to complete this sentence.
" What yesterday? Did you see him again?"
" I mean ,yeah our families --"
" Perfect."
" Andrew please listen. Don't you trust me ? I would never do that to you. It was just because they scheduled it not us--"
" I am leaving." He was about to stand when I held his hand.
" No please wait , don't go , listen please ."
" You promised me that you would never see him again."
" I wasn't! I had to!"
" Don't create a scene here Nina."
" You are ."
" Nina, " he exhaled
" Please sit, let me talk."
" Go on"
" Listen, our families wanted to plan the date but we acted to fight and it's going to get cancelled."
" Is it ? It's still a ' going to ' are you sure about this?"
" Of course -- I am -- it will get cancelled. You have to come tomorrow right?" I said stammering.
" Doesn't seem like it."
" Andrew."
" You seem to enjoy this little mess of yours. Aaron is rich right? Good for you."
" Andrew , you know me , I would never-"
" I thought you would never betray me. You broke your promise, and you didn't even feel the need to tell me about it."
" I didn't, I did this for us."
" I don't trust you anymore. What else are you hiding?"
" Nothing?!"
" Did you kiss him because your families asked you too?"
" Andrew no! Stop this."
" Tell me then, is the marriage over?"
" I suppose -- i think--"
" You still think Nina. Do you hear yourself?"
" Aaron said that--"
" I don't want to hear about him at all Nina. " He shouted.
" Please calm down. Don't shout, Andrew. I will call him right now and ask , okay? I know its ending, I make sure of it right now."
" Nina--"
" Please, I am ending this right now okay?"


I was working late today, I was still in my office, exhausted. This work was never ending, the invitations, the arrangements and the opening schedule everything was still under construction. I was looking at the invitation list made by my team when I get her call.
Why is she calling me right now? I thought it was over. It seemed important or she wouldn't have called me this late. I immediately picked it up.
" Yes darl--"
" Aaron?" When I heard her taking my name, I was bothered. Was she crying?
" Darling-- what happened?"
" Aaron, please tell me -- tell me that this marriage is over. It is right? After yesterday?"
" Nina - what's wrong?! Where are you? Are you crying?" I stood up from my chair.
" Aaron please-- please answer my question, it's over right?"
" I don't think they are going to move forward after that fight, I won't let them I promise. If not I will end it right now."
" Aaron please end it "
" Yes darling, don't worry it's already on that path. I will make sure of it."
I could hear a some background music, she must be in a restaurant. Her voice was -- I got more tensed.
" Nina where are you? Are you okay?"
She didn't answer, instead of that, I heard her talking to someone.
" Andrew look, if you don't believe me talk to him, he said this marriage is over."
" I don't believe him and I definitely don't want to talk to him!" I heard that the guy was yelling.
" Nina! Talk to me! Where are you? Nina! Are you alright?! What is he doing to you? Nina!" She didn't answer any of that and the call got disconnected. Something is definitely wrong! I need to go. I started gathering my car keys and rushed out of my cabin.

I didn't even wait for the elevator, I rushed down the stairs. I didn't even cared if I pushed someone from my way.
" Samuel! " I called out his name when I reached the second floor.
" Yes sir " Everyone stood up after seeing me.
" Samuel, track this number and get me the location. Right now!" I rushed him.
" Yes sir."
" What happened sir, any problem?!"
" Don't! Not right now!"
" Sorry sir "
" Quick!" I was very restless, I am this restless but today after hearing her voice, I couldn't. She was in trouble. I need to get her out of it.
" I got it-- Saphhire restaurant --" as soon as I heard Saphhire, I rushed outside towards my car. I started driving recklessly so that I could reach there as soon as possible.


" You don't tell me what to do. You destroyed everything between us ." Andrew yelled at me.
" Please don't say that. I am trying."
" Still trying?"
I was trying so hard to stop my tears. The waiter interrupted our fight.
" Is there anything wrong? Ma'am?"
" No everything is alright -- thanks."
My voice broke.
" Is this guy troubling you , we can call for help."
" No -- no it's my boyfriend, we are fine , thank you, you can go "
" Ma'am - it you need anything --"
" Didn't you heard her? Leave." Andrew yelled at the waiter.

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