it is love?

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" hey Aaron!" Daniel was waiting at the table.
" Hey " I sat across him dusting myself.
" What going on--"
" I just patted a puppy."
" What the fuck! You ?" He started laughing.
" You have finally decided to face your fears ."
" Don't laugh, Daniel, she made me do it.."
" She got you patting a puppy? Oh my god she can make you do whatever! I am her fan."
" Daniel!"
" Alright, jokes apart, how is she doing?"
" Well, I suppose."
" I didn't know you owned Saphhire. When did you buy it?"
" Two days ago." I said it avoiding eye contact with him.
" Two days ago --? Why? I thought you didn't like that."
" I didn't."
" Then why did you buy it?"
" I had to."
" Wait --"
I guess he connected the dots .
" You bought it the same day , they broke up? Wait-- wait -- are you telling me that you bought that restaurant just to kick her ex out?!"
" Yeah."
He looked at me blown away expecting a way bigger explanation.
" When I found out that she was in that restaurant, I contacted the owner and bought the whole thing while I was driving there. So that if anything happens, I would be in-charge. After all it's my restaurant, I can do whatever , I can throw anyone out. "
" You are unimaginable Aaron."
" I take that as a compliment."
" Man , you do like her very much."
" No -- I don't, I just did it to protect her."
I guess we both knew that I was lying.
" I told her about Melisa." I added it immediately.
" Oh I see"
" I thought it may help her to look at this in a different way."
" Yeah. What about your marriage? It's over?"
" To be honest, when she asked to end this, I asked my mother to stop. So I guess it's over."
" Really?"
" Yes, I suppose this is the last thing I do for her."
" It clear seems different to me."
" What different?"
" You like her Aaron, you can't go to these certain heights for someone you don't want in your life ahead. "
" I am just trying to be nice."
" Really?"
" I - I can't Daniel , she is sad, getting over that loser, and I can't just barge in between and take my chance. And yes , you know my decision, I am not going anywhere near love. "
" You just made her happy by doing something she never told you to, her ex wouldn't have done that even if he knew. Aaron you have to tell her ."
" No."
" Why? You aren't nice to anyone but her. When was the last time you did so much for a stranger?"
" It can't happen --"
I got a call, from a client, and it was important I had to take it.
" Excuse me it's important."


I saw Daniel sitting at the table with a coffee mug in his hand and Aaron at the corner speaking with someone on the phone.
" Hey Daniel!" I sat across him.
" Hey Nina, how are you doing?"
" I am good, been better, what about you?"
" I am good too. I heard about the break up. I am sorry."
" It's alright, getting over it."
He nodded.
" I heard your ex made a scene in the restaurant, you should file a case against him."
" Yes-- he did, but I don't know if I should --- my parents have no idea about all this."
" Right, but I think you should think about it once."
" Yeah, I will."
I couldn't help but ask Daniel more about Aaron and Melisa.
" He told me about Melisa , I suppose you know "
" I know? I was there, at his wedding. I saw him waiting in the hall, alone , hoping that she would show up."
" I felt so sorry for him. He doesn't deserve that. It's okay if I asked right?"
" Yeah, there is nothing to hide, he already told you everything."
" Thanks. How did he take it?"
" He showed up at work the very next day "
" He did?!"
" Yes he did. He started working day and night, at times he even avoided going home. Cause of her memories in his house when they lived together."
" Oh my God "
" Yeah, he expanded his business, he got more known because of his work and dedication. But only I knew the background. He started becoming a lot colder for everyone. I only talked about work nothing else. He even told me that he would never get married again. Or even fall in love. He is still firm on that."
" It must be so hard for him. Should I talk to him?"
" You should, you are the first person he ever told this too. "
" Really?"
" Yes"
" I will then."
He nodded
" I should say I am your biggest fan."
" Why?" I gave up a laugh.
" You got him patting a puppy?! Like how did you manage? Aaron hates dogs."
" I asked him, actually no, I didn't ask him I pulled him with me. He had no choice."
" Haha, I have been since what, give years and never been successful and you just did it in what like days. You are my idol."
I laughed harder.
" It's nothing like that, why is he so scared of dogs?"
" Actually, he was bitten by one, in his childhood, it was like a near death situation for him, since then he has been distant from dogs."
" Oh , that's why, that trauma has been stuck with him since then."
" Yeah."

Aaron came back at the table.
" What do want to eat?"
" I want--"
" I am not asking you Daniel, you are done, I asking her. Nina, what do you want?"
" It's alright, I will get it for me and Jane later, do you want to come downstairs?"
" Who me? Ofcourse not."
" Oh come on Aaron, please, you just had a moment with that puppy."
" Yes I had, not again, Daniel you can go if you want."
" Please, Aaron for me ?" I looked at him with those eyes and he couldn't resist me anymore.
" Fine."
" I am coming too." Daniel said , " I want to see Aaron with dogs. It would be a lifetime memory."


As we entered the dogs were running everywhere. Jane was still playing amongst them.
" Aaron come!" She said to me with enthusiasm.
" I can't Nina, please. Just , I will be out."
" Aaron? Come with me . Hold my hand, no dog will bite you I promise I will hold them"
" Who told you this?" I immediately looked at Daniel.
" You son of a --"
" Aaron! Come with me "
She held my hand , I was standing behind her the whole time.
A Labrador dog came on to my leg.
" It's okay, look he is so cute. Sit Aaron, you are so taller than him. "
I looked at the dog from above her shoulder. She made me pat him.

" Look!" She smiled.
She made me play with him. She made me forget my fears.
" Aaron you are good with dogs, see , he likes you."
" I am good when I am with you ."
She blushed when she gazed at me.
I stared in her eyes. I can tell she was nervous. She was sitting so close to me that I could count her freckles.

Just then another dog approached us and he jumped on her . She fell back , on me . She was over me .I too fell a little backwards. I kept my hand on the ground and another to hold her. Her head was on my chest and her hands on my legs. She was almost on my lap. And the dogs who made this moment possible were on her.
" Hey guys stop! , come down." She started laughing.
" Hey you , get down from my girl ."
Did I just say my girl? I didn't intend to. She wasn't mine . It just fell out of my mouth and It was awkward.
She turned to look at me when the dog hopped away from her. At that moment, all I wanted to do was, to kiss her.
" Oh I am sorry that dog just-" she said
" It's okay Nina , let's uhm go ."
" You hungry now?"
" Yeah --"
She stood up and started walking towards the door with Jane. Daniel came running towards me.
" I saw that " he smiled.
" So ?"
" just saying."
" We should go back now." I said.

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