terrified of you

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" Andrew "
" Nina stop crying."
" I am sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you."
" But you did it anyways. You were not like this before, you have changed. "
" I am not. "
" Yes you are after meeting that rich fellow."
" Andrew please stop this, I didn't come here to fight, I will do something, and -- and call you home soon. I know it's going to end--"
" Fuck it Nina . I am tired of this shit. I am leaving."
I held his hand again firmly.
" No wait please, Andrew, listen."
" Leave my hand Nina right now." He stood up to leave.
Tears rolled down my checks while I was pleading him to stop .
" Andrew please."
" Leave my hand Nina!" He yelled at me so loudly in front of everyone. All the people at the restaurant were staring at us. I was crying, he was yelling.
" No wait please." We both were standing face to face now. He tried to get my hand off his.
" Nina , you had enough time. You would have done something if you actually wanted to."
" I am telling you the same thing, I am!"
" Prove it ."
" How?"
" That too you want me to answer." Great."
" But-"
" Shut the fuck up Nina." He yelled on my face, he was standing close to me now.
A strong silence between us , we could hear each other breathing louder Just then, I heard a familiar voice.

" Get the hell out of my restaurant."

I was shocked to see him here. It was Aaron . I didn't expect him to own this restaurant so far away. I was so terrified right now , Andrew and Aaron were standing eye to eye .
" I repeat, get out of my restaurant."
"Who the hell are you ?" Andrew said while challenging him.
" The owner of this restaurant. I want you to get the hell out, don't you see you are distributing others here, it's a public place, Nina I expected you to be sensible."
" Nina , you know him?"
" It's Aaron. "I said.
" Oh , the fiancee of my girlfriend."
" Get out , i said , right now." Aaron said it while controlling his anger.
As Andrew stepped forward towards Aaron, all the other people working stood up for Aaron. Aaron told them to stop.
" I will look at you later." Andrew said and grabbed my hand and started walking towards the exit.
"Andrew don't! " I grabbed his hand holding mine trying to get my hand off, but he had held it so hard , it was hurting me. While moving out , I looked behind, at Aaron , I whispered to him,
"I am sorry"
I could see his face lighted up with anger, if Andrew would have said another word he would have killed him then and there .

Andrew pushed me out of the restaurant, left my hand and started yelling.
"How dare you Bring me to his restaurant?"
" I swear I didn't know that it was his. I had no idea, that's why I brought you so far. I didn't know ."
" You didn't know, seriously? I should believe that?"
" You should believe me , Andrew."
" How can I ? We are just kicked out of a restaurant in front of everyone."
" You didn't have to create a scene there, I was trying to explain the situation and you-"
" It's my fault Nina? Good . You are the one not interested in marrying me and this is how you break us ?"
" Who the fuck told you I am breaking? I still say that I want to marry you ."
"Then show me."
" I - how ? How can I? I am trying to get it through but something on the other comes in between. That day everything was good , you left me there alone drunk at night and then he had to leave me home and my parents liked him again. It's not my fault- "
" So it's mine? Why the hell did he drop you ?I was drunk too. I came to apologise, you were busy enjoying with Aaron."
" I was drunk Andrew because of you , you left me. Don't blame him."
" Now you are defending him. Nina fuck you ."
" Andrew!" He pinned me to the wall.
" How dare you Nina , how . "
" Andrew stop, you are hurting me now. "
" Am I ? What about me ? "
" I am not hurting you ."
I was crying , tears couldn't stop coming out. I could see Aaron watching everything through the glass windows of the restaurant. His face was what I was worried about. His hands were in a fist , his face looked red in anger .
" Show me then ".
" What?"
" That you want to marry me."
" How do you want me to ?"
" Let's go to your parents, right now . You tell them in front of me."
" No no no Andrew no please, we can't go now , it's late, please"
" Yes we are going. You wanted to show me ? Prove it now. It's your last chance."
" What do you mean last chance?"
He grabbed my hand again and started to pull me towards his car.
" No no please Andrew, leave me . "
" It's now or never Nina."
"What?! You are actually telling me this?"
" Yes. Now or never."
" Please Andrew Don't do this , please leave me ."
I was pleading, crying , asking him not to. He was literally pulling me . I tried to stop , to take his hand off but he was too strong for me . He had become so aggressive I couldn't do anything.

Right in the moment, while he was pulling me harshly, Aaron came into our fight.
He pulled me out of his hands ,placed me behind his back and punched Andrew right on his face.
" Aaron!!" I yelled his name not Andrew 's.
The punch was so hard that Andrew was lying on the floor, bleeding. People started gathering around.
" How dare you !" Aaron shouted at him.
Andrew came on Aaron. Aaron started beating the hell out of him. Andrew didn't even stand a chance against him. I tried to stop Aaron.
" Aaron , wait please just don't , okay."
He didn't listen to me .
" Aaron!"
He stopped looking at my crying face.
Andrew got up.
" I don't have the words Nina . Nina you , I could literally fu-"
" Pay attention on how you complete that fucking sentence." Aaron warned him.
Andrew was looking at Aaron and me .
" Andrew let's just leave it here , we will see it some other day ."
" There is no other day Nina. As I said now or never. Now that it is over , it's never going to come back. It's over Nina. Fuck you."
I couldn't process anything, did he just end it. Right now , right here?

As Aaron heard fuck you from his mouth he hit him again and almost was going for more, I held his hand . He stopped. He listened to me. Andrew left with his car. I stood there hopelessly. I went on my knees and started crying. Aaron was still there, standing. He sat down, on his knees with me and placed his hand on my head . I hugged him and burrowed my head in his chest. I let it all out, in his arms wrapped around me.


I couldn't see her that way. I just couldn't. A cheerful girl is now weeping for an asshole. When I saw her, kneeled on the ground, I stood there hopelessly. I remembered my time which I had buried deep inside my chest. I sat down with her, I pulled her towards me. Her head fits right in the palm of my hands. She let it all out, and Iet her. I didn't care if other people were watching us, taunting us , or whatever. I could only see her.
" Aaron-- how -- what - happened" she cried.
" It's okay, I am there, I am there." I patted her head.
" Do you want to get out of here?"
" Where--?"
" Where is your purse? Your phone?"
" I -- I don't know --"
" I will find it-- get up , here."
I helped her stand. I got her in my car. " Sit here, okay , don't go anywhere. I will get your purse."
I waited until she nodded. I ran back to the restaurant, looking for her phone and her purse. I found it on her table and I rushed back to her.

I knew it was time to tell her. She should know how lucky she was that it ended, soon before the wedding.

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