A drunk night

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I reached there rushing the cab driver all the way. Andrew was waiting outside.
"How late are you ?" He said.
"Sorry let's go in ."
I opened the glass door and went inside. The manager recognised me from yesterday.
" Hello Ma'am , good to see you again. Please follow me ." It seems that Aaron already informed them that I was coming here.
" Hello Mr . Mark, Sure."
"Again? When did you come here?" Andrew asked me suspiciously .
"I was here yesterday."
"With Aaron, actually he-"
" Great Nina." Andrew looked upset.
" Andrew --"
"Please be comfortable, here's the menu." The manager said .
" Thank you " I said.
"I was saying that he - " he cut me off.
"I don't want to hear about him." Andrew's face seem frustrated.
" Okay okay , calm down. So let me tell you the good news! My parents are taking a halt from this wedding! so maybe you could come at my house. I will arrange some date."
" Good , good to know you are doing something."
"Andrew come-on .I am so happy now,it's working, we can get married soon. "
" Ya I know. "
He smiled at me. I gave even a bigger smile.
Andrew started ordering his favourite dishes. I am happy that he is happy.
We talked about things like we used to do in college.
After sometime, the food was served, I saw Aaron walking in . I almost waved at him, but then I remembered Andrew won't like it so I concentrated on the food. Aaron was standing near the bar, with a drink in his hand and other on the table . I could see that he came directly from his work as he was still in a suit. He was standing in such a way that he could directly see our table . Aaron smiled at me. I returned the smile without Andrew noticing. Andrew was talking about something, but I couldn't keep my full attention on him, I was just nodding my head. Aaron was pretending not to look at us but I could sense that he was.

Until then a song started playing in the back and people started slow dancing. I wanted to dance so bad. I asked Andrew if we could go but , he didn't want to.
" Hey Andrew, look at that couple, they are dancing. Let's go, join them."
" Nina no, please I don't dance you know that."
" Oh come on, just for sometime, please."
" Oh nina no--"
" Please please" I made a puppy face.
I took his hand and dragged him with me.
Dance made me happy. Even though I am not that good at it. But I love it. Aaron was still standing at the bar, looking at me and Andrew. After some dancing, we came back to our table and ordered some drinks .
" Let's get drunk today Nina !"
" How will you drive then?"
" Let's not think about it now. Let's party."
" Yaha!" We were already pretty drunk though.

We started having drinks on drinks until we got really drunk. Andrew was going to drive, but it didn't seem that he could, neither could. Everyone was leaving the restaurant one after the Andrew decided to call an uber. We waited for our ride to arrive. I was a lot drunk . I shouldn't have drank that much , but after dancing I couldn't resist myself.
I went to the restroom until the Uber arrived.
"Please take care of my purse , I will be back in a second." Andrew nodded. I got myself to the restroom somehow.

Almost after 5- 10 mins I was back. I walked back to our table , but there was no Andrew. For that 2 seconds I tried to process that Andrew isn't there. I looked around, to find him. My vision was a little blurry, but I saw the uber leave through the glass doors.
Did he just? Did he just leave me here? Alone ? He said he was gonna wait . He is just gone ? I sat back down, In shock trying to process everything. I still couldn't believe this. I wanted to go home, it was late , I was drunk, I tried to find my phone to call an uber for myself. I searched for my purse, as my hand reached my purse, someone else took it.

"Get up ." Aaron ordered while picking up my purse. He gave me his hand for support.
" Give me your hand" he said.
He hung my purse on his shoulder.
" Aaron? Is that you?"
" He left you , can't you see?! Blind women. " he said to me like he was trying to warn me.
"I - I , let's go home. " I was so tipsy.
I couldn't even walk properly or talk.
" I know that , come on." He picked me up, in his arms and took me to his car. He then put me in and fastened my seat belt . I could see the anger on his face , but he didn't even for a once raised his voice at me.
" Can't you see?! Nina! I don't understand you at all "
" No it's --"
" Save your explanation." He said.

As he started driving, I started rambling.
" How to get dimples? I want dimples."
"What ?" Aaron replied with his one eyebrow raising at me .
"Dimples like you have --you have 2 , come --on at least give me one ."
He laughed.
"I would love to give you." He said
"Please give me right now. How much should I pay for it ? I can pay for myself. "
He laughed again. God his laugh.
"You don't need to give me anything."he replied.
"Okay then give ." I moved my hand forward.
"Lets get you home first, I will give it to you tomorrow, okay?"
" Okay deal, don't forget."
" I can't darling." he said smiling.
" What is with this darling? I tend to be nervous when you call me that."
" Really? " He was absolutely laughing now and kind of blushing.
"Yes. " I said.
" Then I won't say it ."
" No please say , I like it ."
"As you wish , darling."
I gave him a big giant smile.

My phone was ringing continuously but none of heard it earlier. Aaron saw almost 10 missed calls from my father. He called him back.
" Nina where are you?! It's so late, what are you doing?!"
" Mr. Brown, it's me Aaron, actually I accidentally got her drunk , she is here with me, I am getting her home ,don't worry."
" Aaron you?! Alright , please get her home safe."
" Yes don't worry."

" Aaron!"
" What happened?"
" I don't feel good." I felt nauseous because of all the drinks.
" Do you feel like throwing up?"
I nodded. He pulled the car at the side. He came out first and took me out.
But I couldn't throw up.
" I am not-- not able to-- let's go home."
" Nina are you sure? Are you feeling okay?"
" Yeah-- yeah , I am fine, let's go."
" Okay "
He put me back and he drove to my house.

As we reached home, he pulled me out , I was fast asleep. He picked me up and knocked the front door using his leg. My father opened the door.
" Hello Mr. Brown, I am so sorry, please get her in."
" Yes Aaron, thank you for bringing her home." My father took me in.
" No problem Mr. Brown, it was my fault afterall , good night to you."
"Good night Aaron."

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