Another date

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I woke up today at noon and my head was spinning like hell. When I came back to my senses ,I remembered clearly about how Andrew left me there alone . Just right then, my father came in with some lemon juice.
" Hey , you okay ?"
" Not really, my head is killing me."
" Of course I know, he shouldn't have let you drink so much . But I am glad he dropped you safely. "
" What, who ?"
" Aaron, he said he accidentally got you drunk. "
" Oh right , yes"
" Why did you drink so much? He looked sober."
What should I tell him? Aaron didn't do anything. He took the blame on himself.
" Actually, I went in there, alone, I got drunk so he came to leave me home."
" Why did you drink so much nina!"
" Actually -- I had - i don't remember."
" Aaron is really a nice guy, I was wrong about him. I will go have a talk with your mother, you drink this and freshen up ."
" But but -- we decided not to get married!"
" I judged him too early. I will talk to Aaron first."
I nodded. What else can I do ? I can't blame Aaron anymore, he helped me a lot. I checked my phone, I saw 20 missed calls from Andrew. I am so disappointed with him I don't even want to hear his voice. I wanted to call Aaron to tell him this mess .
" Aaron?"
" Are you alright?" He asked.
" Yeah -- actually -- thank you for yesterday."
" It's alright."
" Do you have any idea what you have done? Why did you take the blame on yourself?"
" You can't ever be thankful , can you?!" He said
" This is not a good time Aaron . This is not funny."
" Of course it's not , yesterday was better." He said it with a giggle.
" What yesterday?" I asked.

Questions started running in my mind . What if I had said something stupid. Or worse what if I - , not I can't do that. What have I done?
" Nothing." He replied.
" Have I done anything embarrassing? Please tell."
" No you didn't do anything like that , it's just " now he was laughing.
" Aaron! Talk." I yelled.
" I said, nothing."
" Aaron! Just so you know, I tend to talk rubbish when I am drunk."
" I got to know that."
" Did I say something really stupid?! Come on at least tell me this."
" It's nothing stupid darling."
He and his darling.
" You there?"
" Uhm yeah -- Aaron don't change the topic! Why did you take the blame on yourself? And what else have you told my father?"
" What should I have done then? I just said that I got you drunk nothing else."
" I don't know --"
" I wanted to take your boyfriend's name in this , but I thought I will let you decide."
" Aaron."
" What ? You are such a fool."
" Aaron! My parents are back on the marriage thing. They are going to talk to you today."
" I will see that."
" I hope this has opened that shade on your eyes."
" Aaron!"
" I leave it on you."
" Yes , now let me figure something out. "
" Sure."
" Let's meet then, today and finish this off for once and all." I said
" Alright. Where?" He asked.
" You decide, a simple cafe will do."
" Okay. Meet me at Danny's , start getting ready." He ordered
" We are meeting now?" I had just woke up. It almost takes two business days for me to get out of bed.
" Yes, after that I am busy."
" Fine." I sighed.

I told Jane everything and why I wouldn't talk to Andrew. She ofcourse supported me. Did I made a right decision to marry Andrew? This thought keeps wandering in my head.

As decided, I and Aaron were going to meet at a cafe , I got into my favourite Black jeans and a blue crop top. This time too I was late , I saw Aaron standing near the entrance. This time not in suits but in a white full sleeves and blue faded jeans . He looks good in everything.
" Sorry I am late."
" It's okay , I was early. " He said.
" Actually I saw a dog and- "
" You started playing with it ." He completed my sentence.
" How do you know?"
" I can see dog hair on your jeans ."
" Oh right." I said it while dusting the hair off.
" Blue looks good on you , it brings out your eyes ."
Did he just? How does he ? I was kind of surprised. I replied with a smile.
" Thank you! Lets go in."
" Sure "
He opened the door for me. We sat at the corner table.
" Why did you choose this corner table?"I asked.
" I didn't want anyone to distrub us. Come to the point."
" So now, my parents are back on the wedding because of yesterday. So I don't know what to do."
" You said you had a plan."
" I said I will figure it out which I haven't ."
" Great . I think , just stop this and tell him to come home. I will tell your parents and mine from my side . But I want you to think again. About you marring him. "
I could see him getting a little angry .
" But--"
" He fucking left you there, alone when you were drunk, because of him, so late at night. That's not a good way to behave."
" I know but-"
" I think there should be not but in this. Leave before you get left.Think wisely. It's better to break a marriage now or then--" He stopped talking all of a sudden. I could see the worry on his face. He was not comfortable talking about this.
" Aaron?"
" Yes darling?"
" Nothing just, I will think again."
" Thank you."
There must something terrible happened to Aaron . He doesn't say but it shows on his face . I wanted to hug him , but , I can't.
" I don't know why he behaved like that, he never did something like that before. This is the first time."
" Really?" He looked at me almost not believing me.
" Yeah-- I mean we fight and all but he never left me like that. Maybe it was because he was drunk "
" Whatever, but he shouldn't have done that. Did he even apologized to you?"
" He called me in the morning, a lot. I didn't pick up yet. I don't feel like talking to him at all."
" You shouldn't. He could have atleast stopped by your house. "

I ducked my face down.
" You like to dance right?" Aaron asked.
" Yes I do , very much."
" Good , let's go then ."
" Where? "
" On the dance floor."
" This cafe has dance floor? Wait don't tell me it's your cafe."
" No it's not mine, but the owner is my friend."
" You have friends?!" I said while laughing.
"Why is it so hard to believe?"
" Just look at you , your attitude says stay away from me or I will kill you " I was laughing so hard. He gave a death glare.
" Let's go , Aaron." I smiled.

We reached the terrace, it was all decorated with lights . It looked so dreamy. I was so overjoyed.
Aaron lent me his hand , and brought me between the crowd. Why is he so -- I am afraid that I might ...
Just then, as we just started, they started playing Lover by Taylor Swift.
Everyone was slow dancing, it was so beautiful to watch. I was happy to see other happy couples around me . Just then, Aaron offered me his hand,
" May I Miss Nina?"
" Miss Nina?" I smiled at him and gazed at him.
" Please?"
I lend him my hand.

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