"How did you come up with the idea of Neverland?" I curiously asked,
"I wanted to create a place where I could live the life that I've never had a child. Since I can't go out to the theatre, or amusement parks, or to get an ice cream, I decided to create all of that here for myself, behind those gates. Also, I did that for the children, so that they can also have a fun place to go where I can actually entertain them. Neverland represents the totality of who I am. It's my home." he explained in a calm and soft tone, and to be honest... he left me speechless. This is beautiful.
"Wow... I wish I could do that too. You really did an amazing job with this Ranch, Michael." I replied looking up at him, his eyes met mine and he smiled brightly.
"And you didn't see everything yet, come with me." he then said grabbing my hand.

He started running, and I followed him. Shortly after we arrived in front of a... train? I giggled.

"Where is this going to take us?" I asked,
"To the other side of the Ranch. You'll be able to see everything." he replied excitedly, smiling from ear to ear. I smiled back and stepped inside the train, sitting next to him.

Soon the train started moving. Thank god the weather today is nice... the gentle winter breeze caressed my skin, while the sun kept shining on us.
I glazed at the attractions of the Ranch. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say... it's beyond beautiful.

*Michael's POV*

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*Michael's POV*

During the ride on the train, I could see how she glazed at every attraction that she was seeing. I would show her around and explain her a few things about the Ranch, and she really showed interest on knowing more about my home, which made me happy.

When the train stopped, we stepped outside and started walking towards the animals. She gasped when she noticed the elephants, lions, tigers, giraffes and many more.

"Oh my god! You even have a private Zoo here?" she asked surprised, I chuckled.
"Yes. I love animals and everything that has to do with nature." I replied honestly, while looking at her. Her lips were slightly parted, still shocked.
"Incredible... we are so similar." she said almost whispering,
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously,
"I love nature and animals too. We both love children... we both love life ..." she explained, I gulped. This is the first time that I've realised how similar we actually are... not only because we share the same interests in music and movies, but with everything.
"You're right." I simply replied and smiled brightly.

She then stepped closer and started caressing the animals, and they seemed to love her too. It looks like everyone loves her... animals, children, everyone. I couldn't stop starring at her, and smiling like an idiot.

After spending some time with the animals at the Zoo, we started walking around again. That's when an idea crossed my mind...
I grabbed her hand and we walked over to where I have all the balloons for the water balloon fights. I started taking some of them, filling them up with water, doing the same with the super soakers as well.

"Oh no, don't tell me you are going to do what I think you're going to do!" she said, making me laugh loudly.
"Yep!" I replied excitedly. Once I was finished I threw a water balloon against her, she tried covering herself by raising both her arms, but she was already soaking wet. I laughed even more. She looked at me with a challenging look, before pointing her finger at me.
"You! Come here!" she yelled in a playful tone, grabbing a balloon and throwing it at me, but of course she didn't catch me. I'm good at this game.

Soon we started running all around the Ranch, throwing water balloons at each other or simply trying to catch one another with the super soaker.
The entire Ranch was now filled with our laughter... and we were having fun like two little kids.
This is a moment I will never forget...

At some point, I catched her from behind holding her tight. She screamed and laughed, until we both fell on the floor.
I started tickling her, and she tickled me. We then both stopped, I was laying on top of her, and our eyes were locked.
It was like being in hypnosis... that's how she makes me feel when I look at her.

She then grabbed her super soaker and sprayed water onto my face, snapping me back to reality. We were now both soaking wet.

"I think I win this round, sorry Jackson." she said in a playful tone, chuckling.
"Alright, I give you this one." I replied giggling, before getting up and helping her to do the same.
"We should get back and change before we get sick." she then said, I smiled brightly and nodded in agreement.

Shortly after we walked back to the train station, which escorted us back to the main house. We then both walked inside, going in our rooms and changed our clothes.

When we were done, it was already time for launch.

"How about we go grab something from KFC?" I offered,
"Oh right, I heard something about you being obsessed with KFC." she teased and laughed,
"Hey, the food is good! Can you blame me?" I asked joking, while looking at her.
"No, indeed I can't. I'm down for it." she then replied and released a giggle. I smiled brightly and nodded, before we both walked back downstairs.

I told my security to get the car ready, which he did, and soon they escorted us to Los Angeles to get something from KFC.

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now