What are the odds....

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I literally LOVED to be draggd like this. It was more than just fun what do I have to say.... I would have screamed if that wouldn't have looked like I was mentally unstable. That was definitely not something I wated at all.

Eraserhead: Midoriya, do you even want to explain what happened?

Not saying anything was also an answer and that is what this dear hero had to learn for sure. If he wanted to get informations out of me then he was soo wrong. He wouldn't get any information out. He didn't deserve it at all.

Needless to say that he was first dragging me but then soon picked me up and carried me into the school and to class 1A. He shooed everyone away and the sat me down in a chair. I really thought he would bring me to the principals office and not the classroom.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Does Nezu know from this?

Me: ...

Eraserhead: This is not gonna help you.

Me: ...

As if I cared if this was helping me or not. If I could, I would use my quirk to tear this scarf down. At this point of time, I was just fuming about everything and yes, I felt like punching the hero for grabbing me and pulling me away from that stupid Dandelion. Even dogs needed some training sometimes and I would be the one who would train that Dandelion. I would drill some fear into him and would break his mind as he did with mine.... or tried.

Eraserhead: Midoriya, I want to help you. Tho you have to tell me why you did that.

Me: ...

Eraserhead: Fine. I get it. You don't want to talk with me but tell me this. Is Nezu involved or not?

Me: You tell me that!

I spit these words out with as much spite as I could. For now, I hated each and every second I was detained in this scarf. It just mad me want to tear it down even more.

Eraserhead: Problem Child.

Me: ....

Nezu: I would suggest you let this child of yours go.

Seriously this rat just came out of the blue and from what I just saw, he jumped off the ceiling and there was a small hatch as well! Why I never seen that hatch before, who knows. Why he did that, who knows as well! BUT that rat just jumped down and launched himself at Eraserhead now klinging onto his sholders and head. If it was me, I would have tried to get that thing down from my shoulders. He was part mouse after all but resembled a rat more.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Is this your doing?

Me: TSK!

Nezu: I gave him my approval.

Eraserhead: So it's true?

Nezu: Indeed.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

This little conversation was very congusing to me but oh well, I didn't care at all. All that mattered for me was that Eraserhead let me go and then was more or less chased out by Nezu. It was fun to watch this happening but it was less fun being with the principal in a room now.

Nezu: I suggest doing something like this after school from now on.

Me: *sigh* thanks for the advice.

Nezu: Your welcome.

Me: ... wait a minute!

Nezu was already starting to leave the room when I just comprehended what he said. He basically told me to do it again but after school and not before... WHAT?! How did this made any sense? How could a principal say that to me? Normally I would get scolded and even suspended if I would do just the slightest thing off. I didn't liked it but that was all I could do. Needless to say that I had soo many detention hours at my previous school as well that it was really a wonder that they had given me another chance at UA to attend it. 

However I had this feeling that something was off..... another feeling told me not to investigate it and I was leaning towards my second feeling as I had some hair standing up. What an omen that something was not right. Perhapse it was better not to know at all.

Nezu: Yes, Midoriya?

Me: ... nothing....

Nezu: Very well. Enjoy your school day.

With that being said he just got out of the room and I slumbed down to the ground holding onto that table, I was leaning on.

What just happened....

Does he know...

Do I want to know...

I am kinda scared....

But I could see him again!  What are the odds to see Nezu this much in my life!

He is such a great hero!

Ahhh, I should get it together!

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