Ahm... what a morning...

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A/N: This is something I call "not your usual chatfic" because there will be normal chapters inbetween the chatfic as well.

Izuku's POV:

Who would have said that I would be this unhappy in my dream school. HAH, if anyone would have told me this sooner, then I would have laughed at them for it. UA was my dream school since ever! I wanted to become a hero and now I had the actual chance do be one thanks to All Might. Just a year ago, I thought it was impossible but I somehow made it. Guess it's true that one could become whatever they wanted if they put enough effort into this... but then why am I this unhappy?

Class was great. I loved Eraserhead and his teaching. I loved being here and I loved the learn everything new about my powers and then my responsibilities... but I somehow got into UA with Bakugo and he is in my class too. Needless to say I was still my bubbly self to the outside never really showing my true collors to anyone at all. This was just who I was. I was scared that people would judge me for how I liked to look at the world.


This is gonna be hell and boring today again....

Maybe Kacchan will stop doing what he is doing...


As if!

That Dandelion will never get it in his mind!

He is just a stupid Dandelion after all...

I wonder what I should do though....

I was currently sitting in the train which would get me to UA. It was all in the morning and I tended to be pretty grumpy and depressed in the morning. No one would ever talk to me in the morning for a good reason. I hated the people and everyone around me only in the morning. It was that time, I couldn't put up a mask and was myself.

Maybe I should do something...

I could try and spice up everything...

I know his quirks in and out, maybe I should try to actually sabotage him?

Maybe hurt him?

Let himself get burned by his own words?

Or should I just take my textbook and whack him over his head?

Wouldn't a dictionary hurt more?

I could also use my own quirk to teach him a lesson for his life.... NAH! I would hurt myself too... don't want that.

As I was thinking about what to do with Bakugo, which were honestly just thoughts and would never come true, I heard a vibration sound coming from my phone. When I looked at it I could see that my dear online friend texted me back. We both were using our nicknames and never revealed to each other who we were in real life. Yet it was the only place I could be myself and tlak my mind off. It kinda became a small rituatl to always text each other in the morning and evening.

In private chat:

HellSpawn: Morning Survivor.

Survivor: Morning HellSpawn.

HellSpawn: On your way to school?

Survivor: Yeah but I wish, I wouldn't need to go there.

HellSpawn: Don't you like it?

Survivor: I do but I also hate it.

HellSpawn: Interesting.

Survivor: You say that a lot.

HellSpawn: Can't help it. It is very intruiging to me.

Survivor: Whatever.

HellSpawn: Something on your mind?

Survivor: Just thinking how I could hit my classmate and get away with it.

HellSpawn: Feel free to try it out.

Survivor: Nah! It would ruin my cinnamon roll image.

HellSpawn: I see, you are still sticking with it.

Survivor: If I don't then they would know how broken I am and send me to a mind fucker probably.

HellSpawn: They would worry indeed. They are heroes after all.

Survivor: Said so.

HellSpawn: How about just talking to someone you can trust?

Survivor: I got you.

HellSpawn: Very true.

Survivor: And you owe me a re-match of yesterdays chess games.

HellSpawn: May I suggest this evening?

Survivor: Sounds epic.

HellSpawn: It seems we have settled on it then. Anything else you want to share?

Survivor: How about you tell me your plan? You are always cooking something up in the morning.

HellSpawn: Oh, I just decided to make some of my people excercise a bit more.

Survivor: Excercise as in?

HellSpawn: They have to fill out a questionary. 

Survivor: That is hell.

HellSpawn: Which is implied in my name.

Survivor: True...

Survivor: Anyways, gotta go.

HellSpawn: I am on standby if you need me.

Survivor: Thanks and same to you as well!

Survivor: See ya!

HellSpawn: Till later.

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