Another great morning...

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The next day in the morning, I first had to encounter my mother who was always nice to me but she was more on the side of not carrying for me at all. I knew I was her son and she knew that too but other than providing me with everything I asked, there was not really much to it. No love, no relationship at all and of course our conversations were just awkward like hell.


Looks like I have to say morning...

Should I talk more though?

Me: Morning.

Inko: Morning.

Me: Did you make breakfast?

Inko: Don't have time for this. I'll be gone for a week.

Me: Meeting?

Inko: A business trip.

Me: Good luck.

Inko: Thanks and don't get in trouble.

As if....

I am texting with HellSpawn... I am a lot more calmer than I used to be...

This was actually everything we talked to each other and after that she just left me be alone in our apartment. I was grumpy in the morning. This was something I got from my mother or so I thought sine she was also not one to talk a lot in the morning. However when she would get from work, she was always up to tell me stuff that happened. Sometimes she would just complain and sometimes she would prais her coworker but each time she would be drunk whenever she would talk to me a lot. We apparently lived in different worlds.

Me: *sigh* alright... cereals or should I make a toast?

I can't decide...




My alarm went off and I thought it was something else for a hot minute. That alarm was something which was telling me, I had to go out of the house to school. Now why would I need that? Simply because my lazy ass would take hours laying in my bed doing nothing but try to wake up. This was maybe the reason why I was grumpy but today was just worse as I got late out of the house and then even had to run to get the train.

If I miss this train!



If I miss this fucking train... ama explode!



Close call.....

But still....

I need to find a seat and rest... 

Wow... I am out of breath....

Now that I was completly out of breath, I could look at my phone and relax a bit at least.

In a privat chat.

Surviver: Good morning.

HellSpawn: Morning, how did you start your day?

Surviver: Why not just ask how my morning was?

HellSpawn: Is this what one normally should do?

Surviver: We are texting each day and you still don't know how to start a conversation somtimes.

HellSpawn: It is interesting to see your reaction.

Surviver: Well it was not that great actually.

HellSpawn: Anything interesting or just the old tale?

Surviver: The old tale... I forgot about the time.

HellSpawn: Should I send you a special clock?

Surviver: For that I will need to give you my address and we wouldn't be anonymous anymore... no thanks.

HellSpawn: How about pick up location?

Survivor: That might work...

HellSpawn: Or school?

Surviver: Yeah no thanks... I don't want the others to find out.

HellSpawn: Alright. Do you have a location in mind?

Survivor: Something close to Dagobah beach. I am there a lot.

HellSpawn: Alright. Consider it done.

Surviver: Are you really gonna make one though?

HellSpawn: Of course. This one will be according to what I believe would fit you best.

Surviver: Cool thanks.

HellSpawn: No problems.

Survivor: How is your morning?

HellSpawn: I ran out of tea.

Surviver: OH NOOOOO!


HellSpawn: No need for this dramatic reaction.

Surviver: Kinda is tho... 

Surviver: I mean each time I ask what you are doing, you go drinking tea.

HellSpawn: I just simply love this taste. You should try some.

Surviver: I did and I am all in for it in the winter... not in the summer though...

HellSpawn: That is alright.

Surviver: By the way how is that one coffee addict?

HellSpawn: Still an addict.

Surviver: But sniffing that stuff?

HellSpawn: Simply something he does.

Surviver: Ufff... I can totally imagine my Sensei do the same.

HellSpawn: Who knows.

Surviver: Like seriously!

HellSpawn: Everyone has their secrets.

Surviver: And this is the point ama say thanks again.

HellSpawn: For what?

Surviver: Letting me be who I am and not judging me at all.

HellSpawn: Let me thank you as well for enduring someone like myself.

Surviver: Oh come on. You're fun to be with plus I don't need to hide stuff.

HellSpawn: Likewise. 

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