It was as if time had frozen, giving us a moment to collect our thoughts before plunging back into the heated water war. The intensity of the game seemed to hang in the balance, waiting for the next move to determine our fate.

In that quiet moment, I reaffirmed my determination. We were fearless and ready for any challenge. With our eyes locked on the prize, we stood as a team, ready to face whatever obstacle came our way. The forest may have gone still, but our spirits were alive with the thrill of the game.

The forest exploded with laughter and battle cries, and the water fight came alive once more with a burst of wild energy. But during all the excitement, I noticed something strange - where was Stephanie's loud and boisterous voice? It was like a puzzle missing a piece, and my curiosity got the best of me as I cautiously peeked out from behind a tree.

There she was, sprawled on the forest floor, soaked to the bone and playing dead. My heart sank, and I rushed over to her side. "Steph, are you okay?" I asked, worry evident in my voice. She managed to put on a weak smile, her words coming out with a hint of playful drama, " me..."

Spitting out some water, she struggled to get back on her feet, her determination undiminished despite the drenched state she was in. "Okay, you guys got this now. I'm gonna go reset," she declared, her eyes shining with adventure.

"Got it. If you can't find us, just follow the creek, okay?" I said, feeling a twinge of sadness that we lost such a fearless teammate. But there was no time to dwell as Xena's crew was already getting back into the game.

Andre grabbed my hand, and we darted down the slippery path alongside the babbling creek, our hearts pumping with adrenaline.

As we rushed forward, I couldn't help looking back at Stephanie, heading back to the starting point. "What if we need her?" I worried aloud between breaths.

"Don't worry, we'll rock this, no doubt. Your plan is epic, and I trust you," Andre exclaimed, giving me a playful bump on the shoulder. His encouragement filled me with a surge of excitement and bravery. It was like seeing a whole new side of Andre, who I always thought was kind of shy and awkward. But now, he seemed so full of confidence and energy.

I couldn't help but recall that moment when I blurted out my crush on Bryan, and Andre had stormed off, looking bothered. There was something going on with him.

"Thanks!" I replied with a grin, grateful for his support.

We were a team, and we were in this together, chasing after the thrilling adventure and victory. Even with the loss of our friend, my determination stayed strong.

The adrenaline fueled my excitement, and I was dead set on leading us to triumph, no matter what challenges lay ahead. This was our moment to shine, and I wasn't going to let anything hold us back.

I heard the screams, and water spurting in the air from various teams in the forest, but no one was super close to us, so in my head we were safe to slow down from our pace.

We took a breather, panting, and I thought maybe instead of later, I could ask Andre now about him storming off. "Hey, Andre," I managed to say, sitting on a large rock next to the stream of water before us.

Andre was fixing his hair and smacked a mosquito from his leg, "Yeah what's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Bryan," I hesitated, trying to gather my thoughts before the words spilled out. But as our eyes locked, the words seemed to have a mind of their own, tumbling out in a rush, "Do you..." I took a beat, biting my bottom lip. "Do you like Bryan?" I tilted my head, my grin a mix of curiosity and nervousness. "I mean, honestly, just curious. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, even though I kind of am already, but you know..."

Before I could say anything else, Andre cut me off with just three simple words, "We have history."

History? What did that mean? My mind raced, connecting the dots as a sudden realization flooded my thoughts. Did Andre have feelings for Bryan too? Was he just as colorful and complex as I was when it came to crushes and relationships?

The revelation left me with a whirlwind of emotions. Part of me was excited at the possibility of sharing this secret with someone who might understand, but another part was anxious about what it meant for our friendship. What if things got awkward between us? What if our feelings for the same guy drove a wedge between us?

As I processed everything, I saw a mix of emotions playing across Andre's face - a mix of vulnerability, hesitation, and maybe even a hint of hope. It was a lot to take in, but deep down, I knew we could navigate this together. After all, we had each other's backs through thick and thin.

"Wow, that's... unexpected," I finally managed to say, my voice tinged with surprise. "I mean, it's kind of wild that we both have feelings for Bryan, right?"

"Yeah, it's wild," Andre replied with a small chuckle, and I could tell he was just as taken aback as I was. But as he sat down next to me, his demeanor shifted, and I sensed there was something more he wanted to say. "Honestly, to be real with you, when you... when you just blurted out that you had a crush on him, it made me feel... gosh, I don't know how to put this into words. It just felt like you were better for him."

I could see the conflict in Andre's eyes as he struggled to express himself. He seemed to be grappling with a mix of emotions, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around him in a comforting hug. I understood what he was going through - that feeling of not being good enough, of comparing yourself to others and feeling like you fall short. It was a feeling I knew all too well.

Sometimes, when I saw cis girls with guys, I would feel the same way - as if I wasn't good enough, as if I couldn't measure up to them. No matter how hard I tried to imitate them, I knew I would always just be Ariah, and there was a unique beauty in that. But sometimes, that nagging feeling would creep into my mind, telling me that I could never be the perfect girl for someone like Bryan.

And as Andre continued, I realized he was going through something similar. "Maybe that's why I feel the way I do now," he confessed, "like maybe Bryan's better off with Lindsay or you. You guys have things you can provide that I just can't."

My heart ached for Andre, understanding his struggle all too well. It was tough when those insecurities and self-doubts crept in, making us question our worth and our place in someone's heart.

But in that moment, I realized he didn't know how colorful I was too, and how similar we are. This was the perfect moment for me to tell him about myself, but I didn't want to risk it.

"You know what, Andre?" I said, looking into his eyes with sincerity. "You're amazing just the way you are. You have so much to offer, and you deserve someone who sees and appreciates that. And if it's not Bryan, then it's someone out there who will cherish you for who you are - all your colorful, wonderful self."

Then, just as we were caught up in our heartfelt conversation, Andre's back arched, and he let out an unexpected yelp. Before I could even register what was happening, Xena, the mischievous water warrior, strutted toward us with a sly grin on her face. She had fired a perfectly aimed water shot at Andre, and with a playful giggle, she declared, "Gotcha!"

Andre shook his head, his wet hair sticking to his forehead, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "Nice shot, Xena," he said, playfully conceding defeat.

I couldn't help but smile too, even as I tried to suppress a laugh. Xena's water skills were legendary, and she was always ready to take on any opponent in the water fight battlefield. It was all part of the fun and thrill of the game - unexpected surprises at every turn.

"Watch out, Xena! You're next!" I teased, grabbing my water gun and getting ready to retaliate. But Xena was quick on her feet, and with a mischievous grin, she dodged my shot, disappearing behind a tree.

"You'll have to be faster than that, Ariah!" she called out, her laughter echoing through the forest.

Challenge accepted.

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