As we gathered in a big circle around the pile of weapons, it felt like we were in some epic Hunger Games scene. Nea was on the opposite side, far away from me, but I found myself standing beside two other GCC members. To my right, Bryan was just a couple of people away, and right in front of me, across the arsenal, stood Lindsay.

Our colorful jerseys indicated our teams, and I was psyched to see that I had Andre and Stephanie on my side; I met Stephanie earlier when she was hanging out with Andre. The adrenaline was pumping, and the excitement was palpable as we prepared to embark on this thrilling adventure.

My eyes locked onto the pile of weapons, a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling inside me. I might not have been the fastest runner, but damn, I was competitive as hell. Laura was skipping around with her microphone, getting ready to start the countdown.

At first, I zoned out, my mind wandering to what might be inside those hidden chests. Maybe there were our phones, and I could finally talk to Peter again, see how he's been doing. Or who knows, there might be some cash waiting for us in there.

Laura was already on the number 7, and the heat of the day made me break into a sweat. My toes felt like they were going numb inside my shoes, and the anticipation was giving me goosebumps. When she hit 5, I glanced over at Bryan, who was poised like a pro track player, rocking back and forth.

I tried to see him in a romantic light, but I couldn't shake the feeling that friendzoning him was the wiser choice. I wanted to have a talk with him earlier, but the opportunity never presented itself.

Today, I hung out with Andre and Stephanie before this event, and I found out that Stephanie had a real talent for baking; she won some contests back in Denver. Cool girl.

Now, we were at 3, the countdown inching closer and my nerves unraveling with each passing second. Lindsay locked onto me; I could tell she was ready to pounce if necessary. I knew the Legally Blonde types were fierce, and Lindsay was no exception. She wanted Bryan, and she wasn't shy about it. It felt like this game would turn into a battle between us, and I wasn't thrilled about that. I'm usually super chill and non-confrontational, unless pushed to my limits.

As Laura reached 1 in the countdown, my mind started to wander. Who would be my number 1? There was Peter, a guy I had connected with on a dating app. But there was that lingering doubt, considering the risks of meeting someone from the internet. Was I about to meet my murderer? It sounds absurd, but the statistics on violence against black trans women are alarmingly high, and that makes me extra cautious with how I approach things. I have to be careful, it's a matter of survival.

My mom went through it too, and I vividly remember the point in our lives when she couldn't take care of us anymore. So, she sent us to live with my aunt in Texas, which turned out to be the worst experience ever. In that house, I couldn't be myself. My aunt wouldn't allow it; she didn't want her kids to be influenced by my actions.

I wanted to express myself, wear makeup, and be my true self, but she wouldn't let me. It was like living in a jail cell, devoid of my authenticity and the freedom to be me without judgment. That kind of freedom was snatched away from me, and it was hard to comprehend why Texas was so different from other places I've been to.

Texas had left its mark on me, scars both visible and invisible. I couldn't get the story of Muhlaysia Booker out of my mind. She was just like me, living close to my aunt, and the brutal attack she suffered at the hands of a group of guys had sent shockwaves through the internet. The fear that I could be the next target gnawed at me, making my heart race and my hands shake.

Why did the cis men feel the need to target her just because she was different? It haunted me, and I couldn't hold back the tears. My aunt didn't understand why I was so affected by a girl I had never even met. I had a mental breakdown, and I just felt like it was so hard to breathe, and come to terms with the fact that my authenticity caused others to be uncomfortable, it took me years, and years, to accept myself as Ariah. Muhlaysia's story hit too close to home, and it opened my eyes to the toxic environment I was living in.

In that moment, I realized that I had to be cautious in every step I took. Instead of double-checking things before stepping outside, I triple checked. People like me, people who looked like me, faced dangers just for being who we were. It was a heavy burden to carry, and the fear of violence was constantly in the back of my mind.

But as Laura's whistle and blow horn pierced the air, the game began, snapping me back to reality.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, and I ran like my life depended on it, my worries momentarily forgotten in the thrill of the competition. I pushed myself forward, determined to focus on the game ahead, even though the weight of the world still lingered in my heart.

I made my way to the center of the circle where all the weapons were laid out. Taking a deep breath, I reached for a water gun, but Lindsay quickly snatched it from my grip. We had a brief tussle, but I managed to reclaim the water gun, and Andre and Stephanie grabbed their weapons too - a toy sword and another water gun.

As soon as we were armed, we dashed towards the forest, fully caught up in the rush of the game. The sounds of panting, shoes rustling in the grass, and the canopy of trees above enveloped us in this exhilarating moment.

"Aye, let's check out this area," Bryan's voice called out, but I couldn't quite locate him. Meanwhile, I could hear the distinct sound of water guns firing and giggling girls as they engaged in playful battles. Some groups were already heading back to the center of the field, probably to touch the main tree and reset after being hit.

"Hey, guys, we better get moving too before we're the ones who have to run back," Stephanie said, her tone urgent.

"Yeah, any ideas on where to start?" Andre looked expectantly at Stephanie and me. I scanned the dense forest, trying to pick up any clues that could lead us in the right direction. Trees, ferns, rocks, and a deer running through the woods were all I could see. But then my eyes caught the flags that were stuck in the ground, guiding us deeper into the forest.

"I know this might sound a little out there, but what if we go past the flags?" I pointed to where they started to fade away. "Maybe there's a hidden chest there, and leadership is trying to throw us off." I tightened my grip on the water gun, looking back at my group with the hope that my hunch might lead us to victory.

They exchanged bewildered glances, as if I had suggested something completely outrageous. But then, Andre stepped up, breaking the silence. "She's got a point, you know. Sometimes the best treasures are hidden in the most unexpected places," he chimed in with a playful smile. He looked the part of a true adventurer, dressed in combat boots, black shorts, and a headband that gave him a sporty and endearing vibe. I couldn't help but find it kind of cute.

Stephanie and I were all in, ready for the adventure. Our faces were adorned with markings, like fierce warriors from an epic fantasy tale. We shared a knowing grin between us, fully embracing the excitement of the game, and without a second thought, we ran after Andre, eager to explore the uncharted territory beyond the fading flags. It felt like we were embarking on a thrilling quest together, united by the promise of hidden treasure and the thrill of the unknown.

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